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Scarlet Fever: A Group A Streptococcal Infection | CDC Features

fever  features  toxins  CDC  group  infection  scarlet  streptococcal  CDC Features  sore throat  rash  Group A Streptococcus  scarlet fever  strep throat  sandpaper rash  swollen glands  peeling skin  strawberry tongue  throat culture  rapid antigen test 

Scarlet fever results from group A strep infection. If your child has a sore throat and rash, their doctor can test for strep. Quick treatment with antibiotics can protect your child from possible long-term health problems.Scarlet fever results from group A strep infection. If your child has a sore throat and rash, their doctor can test for strep. Quick treatment with antibiotics can protect your child from possible long-term health problems.

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Rubella: Make Sure Your Child Is Fully Immunized | CDC Features

features  CDC  child  measles  immunized  rubella  mumps  make  sure  CDC Features  rash  MMR vaccine  german measles  three-day measles  rubella vaccination  and rubella vaccine 

Rubella is a contagious disease caused by a virus. For some people—especially pregnant women and their unborn babies—rubella can be serious. Make sure you and your child are protected from rubella by getting vaccinated on schedule.

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Drowsy Driving: Asleep at the Wheel | CDC Features

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Drive alert! Learn the risks of drowsy driving and how to protect yourself.

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Carbon Monoxide (CO) Poisoning Prevention | CDC Features

carbon monoxide  prevention  poisoning  hurricane  carbon  monoxide  CO  CDC Feature  power outages  severe weather  CO Poisoning  winter weather  CO poisoning symptoms  power outage  generator  storm 

When power outages occur after severe weather (such as winter storms, hurricanes or tornadoes), using alternative sources of power can cause carbon monoxide (CO) to build up in a home and poison the people and animals inside.

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CDC's Youth Risk Surveys | CDC Features

youth  health  features  school  risk  CDC  data  surveys  improve  provide  YRBS  CDC Features  profiles  surveillance system  adolescence  youth risk behaviors  school health data  SHPPS 

CDC supports adolescent and school health efforts using three state-of-the-art monitoring systems designed to collect, analyze, and disseminate data on youth risk behaviors and school health policies and practices.

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Preventing Chronic Disease | The Tennessee Department of Health WORKshops on Use of Secondary Data for Community Health Assessment, 2012 - CDC

health  disease  chronic  assessment  community  tennessee  CDC  data  department  workshops  performance improvement  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD  Community health assessment  assessment of healthcare needs  health information management 

Community health assessment is a core function of public health departments, a standard for accreditation of public health departments, and a core competency for public health professionals. The Tennessee Department of Health developed a statewide initiative to improve the processes for engaging county health departments in assessing their community’s health status through the collection and analysis of secondary data. One aim of the Tennessee Department of Health was to position county public health departments as trusted leaders in providing population data and engaging community stakeholders in assessments.

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Top 10 Influenza Pandemic Response Planning Tips for H7N9 Virus | CDC

virus  tips  CDC  h7n9  influenza  planning  response  top  pandemic  HN  bird flu  Avian Influenza  pandemic preparedness  H7N9 virus  public health officials 

H7N9 influenza pandemic response planning tips for senior public health officials - CDC

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CDC Study Analyzes H7N9 Viruses' Disease Characteristics and Transmissibility

disease  viruses  CDC  h7n9  characteristics  study  analyzes  transmissibility  H7N9 influenza virus  CDC researchers  animal studies  infection risk  disease characteristics 

A CDC study presents findings from animal studies conducted to better understand the disease characteristics and transmissibility of avian influenza A (H7N9) viruses

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Outbreak of Salmonellosis Associated with Consumption ofPulled Pork at a Church Festival - Hamilton County, Ohio,2010

ohio  outbreak  consumption  associated  salmonellosis  ofpulled  pork  church  festival  hamilton 

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CDC Grand Rounds: Evidence-Based Injury Prevention

prevention  CDC  injury  evidencebased 

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Notes from the Field: New DelhiMetallo-?-Lactamase–Producing Escherichia coli Associated withEndoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography — Illinois,2013

illinois  escherichia  coli  notes  field  associated  retrograde  cholangiopancreatography 

Infections with carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE)* are increasing among patients in medical facilities (1). CRE that produce Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC) have been responsible for much of the increase in the United States. However, New Delhi metallo-?-lactamase (NDM)–producing CRE have the potential to add to this burden.

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Announcements: Recommendation Regarding Improving MentalHealth and Addressing Mental Illness from the Community PreventiveServices Task Force

mentalhealth  illness  community  mental  announcements  recommendation  regarding  improving  addressing  preventiveservices  task  force 

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Announcements: National Birth Defects Prevention Month andFolic Acid Awareness Week - January 2014

prevention  january  awareness  week  national  announcements  birth  defects  month  andfolic  acid 

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Histoplasmosis Outbreak Associated with the Renovation of anOld House - Quebec, Canada, 2013

outbreak  associated  histoplasmosis  renovation  anold  house  quebec  canada 

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