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CDC - Features-Medication & Pregnancy Prevalences of Spina Bifida & Cleft Palate - NCBDDD

pregnancy  CDC  ncbddd  spina  bifida  cleft  featuresmedication  prevalences  palate 

A special issue of the American Journal of Medical Genetics Part C with a specific focus on teratology?or the study of birth defects and their causes?recently has been published online. Included in this special issue is a new CDC study: “Influencing Clinical Practice Regarding the Use of Antiepileptic Medications During Pregnancy: Modeling the Potential Impact on the Prevalences of Spina Bifida and Cleft Palate in the United States.” You can read the abstract here.

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CDC - Features -Birth Defects Findings - NCBDDD

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The journal Pediatrics has published a new CDC article: "Maternal Smoking and Congenital Heart Defects in the Baltimore-Washington Infant Study". You can read the abstract of the article here. Following is a summary of the findings from this article.

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Medications in Pregnancy - NCBDDD

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The journal Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety has published a new brief report: “Safe Lists for Medications in Pregnancy: Inadequate Evidence Base and Inconsistent Guidance from Web-based Information, 2011.” You can read the article’s abstract here. See below for a summary of the findings from this article.

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Med Use During Pregnancy Key Findings - NCBDDD CDC - Features

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Researchers from Boston University’s Slone Epidemiology Center, in collaboration with researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Harvard School of Public Health, have published a new study describing medication use during pregnancy in the United States during the period 1976–2008. You can read the abstract here. The findings from this article are summarized in the following text.

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Key Findings: Modeling the Potential Public Health Impact of Prepregnancy Obesity on Adverse Fetal and Infant Outcomes

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The journal Obesity has published a new study online: “Modeling the Potential Public Health Impact of Prepregnancy Obesity on Adverse Fetal and Infant Outcomes.” You can read the article’s abstract here. See below for a summary of the findings from this article.

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CDC - Features -Spina Bifida Findings Hospital Use - NCBDDD

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A special issue of the journal Birth Defects Research (Part A) has recently released a new study online: “Hospital Use, Associated Costs, and Payer Status for Infants Born with Spina Bifida.” You can read the article’s abstract here. See below for a summary of the findings from this article.

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CDC - Features - Flu: A Guide for Parents of Children with Chronic Health Conditions - NCBDDD

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Influenza (flu) is an infection of the nose, throat and lungs caused by the influenza viruses. It can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death. Children younger than 5, but especially children younger than 2 years old, and children and adolescents with chronic health conditions are at greater risk for serious flu complications.

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Features -Topiramate and clefts Findings

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The American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology has published a new study: “Use of topiramate in pregnancy and risk of oral clefts.” You can read the article’s abstract here. See below for a summary of the findings from this article.

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Child Development, Young Teens (12-14 years old) - NCBDDD

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This is a time of many physical, mental, emotional, and social changes. Hormones change as puberty begins. Most boys grow facial and pubic hair and their voices deepen.

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Spina Bifida Health Risk Behaviors among Young Adults, Arkansas - NCBDDD

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