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308 Search Results


Hypothyroidism (Underactive Thyroid)

patients  fatigue  iodine  weight gain  congenital hypothyroidism  Endocrine Diseases  Thyroiditis  Hashimotos Disease  thyroid surgery  iodine and the thyroid  Thyroid Nodule  levothyroxine  Hypothyroidism  postpartum thyroiditis  thyroid hormones  underactive thyroid gland  goiter  Turner syndrome  myxedema coma  subacute thyroiditis 

Hypothyroidism, an underactive thyroid gland, can slow down nearly every organ. Learn about its causes, complications, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.

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Lupus & Kidney Disease (Lupus Nephritis)

patients  Kidney Disease  general public  kidney failure  Lupus nephritis  systemic lupus erythematosus  SLE  lupus problems  lupus symptoms  lupus complications  lupus incidence  lupus prevalence  tests for lupus  lupus treatment  diet for lupus 

Overview of lupus nephritis, a type of kidney disease caused by systemic lupus erythematosus, its complications, and how doctors diagnose and treat the disease.

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Crohn's Disease

Digestive Diseases  Crohns Disease  Inflammatory Bowel Disease  general public  IBD 

Discusses risk factors, symptoms, diagnostic procedures, and complications of Crohn’s disease. Provides treatment options, including medications and surgery.

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Food Portions: Choosing Just Enough for You

patients  weight loss  Food Labeling  nutrients  Losing Weight  food portions  trans fat  saturated fat  Healthy Weight  eating out  calories  Portion control  Diet Nutrition  Weight Management  Weight Control Health Living  weight control  maintaining weight  managing weight  serving  food serving 

For a healthy weight, learn to read a Nutrition Facts label, understand how portions and servings differ, and choose the right amount of food for you.

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Enfermedad glomerular

Diabetes  Kidney Disease  proteínas  Enfermedad renal crónica  insuficiencia renal  enfermedad glomerular  Diálisis  Hemodiálisis  Patients  enfermedad renal diabetica  nefropatía diabética  hinchazón  Riñones  glomérulos  hematuria  proteinuria  Diálisis peritoneal  aumento de peso  corticosteroides  edema 

Información sobre la enfermedad glomerular, una afección que afecta la función renal al dañar los pequeños filtros de los riñones llamados glomérulos.

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Glomerular Disease

diabetes  patients  Protein  Kidney Disease  Hematuria  Kidneys  dialysis  hemodialysis  chronic kidney disease  kidney failure  kidney transplant  weight gain  swelling  diabetic kidney disease  Diabetic Nephropathy  IgA Nephropathy  Lupus nephritis  Edema  Proteinuria  Glomeruli 

Overview of glomerular disease, a condition that affects kidney function by damaging tiny filters in your kidneys called glomeruli.

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Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis

patients  Liver Disease  Bile Ducts  health professionals  hepatobiliary disease  Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis  PSC  biliary tract disease  biliary tree disease  biliary system disease 

Describes the definition, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, and dietary suggestions for primary sclerosing cholangitis.

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Inguinal Hernia

patients  Digestive Diseases  Inguinal Hernia  seroma  Urinary Retention  groin  inguinal canal  direct inguinal hernia  indirect inguinal hernia  incarceration  strangulation  groin pain  bulge in the groin  bulge in the scrotum  abdominal wall defect  hernia surgery  laparoscopic hernia surgery  hematoma  recurrent hernia 

Overview of inguinal hernias, in which contents of the abdomen bulge through a weak area in the lower abdominal wall, and diagnosis and treatment of hernias.

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