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Meningococcal Vaccines for Preteens, Teens | CDC Features

features  disease  help  protect  meningitis  against  CDC  teen  preteen  meningococcal  CDC Features  bacterial meningitis  Meningococcal Vaccine  Meningococcal Disease  kissing disease  meningitis vaccination  meningitis immunization  preteen vaccine  World Meningitis Day  preteen immunization 

Talk with your teen’s clinician about meningococcal vaccination to help protect your child’s health. Meningococcal disease is a very serious illness where death can occur in as little as a few hours.

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March Is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

cancer  march  awareness  CDC  national  feature  screening  month  colorectal  overview  colon  tests 

Colorectal cancer screening saves lives. If you're 50 years old or older, talk to your doctor about getting screened.

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World Cancer Day Feature

cancer  global  day  CDC  world  feature  international  cervical  china  brazil  overview  Thailand  health awareness  World Cancer Day  Office of International Cancer Control  registries 

On February 4, CDC joins people, organizations, and government agencies around the world in exploring how everyone can help prevent and control cancer.

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Preventing Chronic Disease | Association Between Contraceptive Use and Gestational Diabetes: Missouri Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, 2007"2008 - CDC

disease  diabetes  chronic  pregnancy  risk  assessment  missouri  system  CDC  between  monitoring  epidemiology  gestational  PRAMS  association  contraceptive  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD  contraceptive agents 

The efficacy and safety of contraceptives have been questioned for decades; however, whether a relationship exists between hormonal contraceptives and gestational diabetes (GDM) is undetermined. The aim of this study was to investigate whether maternal risk for GDM was influenced by type of contraceptive method used before pregnancy.

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World Hepatitis Day - July 28, 2014

hepatitis  july  day  world 

July 28, 2014, marks the 4th annual World Hepatitis Day. Nearly 400 million persons are living with hepatitis B or hepatitis C, and more than 1 million die annually as a result of their infection. This year, the 67th World Health Assembly (WHA) reaffirmed the global commitment to prevent and control viral hepatitis through the passage of resolution WHA 67.

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Girlfriends' Health | CDC Features

prevention  health  exercise  safety  features  fruits  vegetables  friends  support  CDC  screenings  infection  nutrition  violence  girlfriends'  diet  physical activity  skin cancer  Exams  CDC Features 

August 1 is National Girlfriends Day. Encourage one another to stay healthy.

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Prevalence of Coronary Heart Disease or Stroke Among Workers Aged <55 Years — United States, 2008–2012

heart  disease  states  years  among  prevalence  stroke  coronary  workersaged  lt 

Sara E. Luckhaupt, MD1, Geoffrey M. Calvert, MD1 (Author affiliations at end of text).

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Preventing Chronic Disease | Disparities in Receipt of Advice to Quit Smoking From Health Care Providers: 2010 National Health Interview Survey - CDC

health  survey  disease  chronic  tobacco  smoking  providers  CDC  national  care  disparities  advice  quit  interview  receipt  oral health  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD  Primary Prevention  Minority Groups 

Not all smokers receive tobacco cessation advice from health care providers (HCPs) and, although factors associated with receiving HCP advice to quit smoking and the effectiveness of such advice have been examined, no recent study has explored differences between types of HCPs (eg, physicians vs dentists). Our objective was to determine the prevalence of HCP-delivered advice and the characteristics of patients who receive advice to quit smoking from any HCP and, separately, from a physician or a dentist.

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Preventing Chronic Disease | Area-Level Socioeconomic Status, Adiposity, Physical Activity, and Inflammation in Young Adults, 2013 - CDC

disease  chronic  adults  CDC  activity  young adults  status  arealevel  socioeconomic  adiposity  inflammation  physical activity  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD  socioeconomic status  C-Reactive Protein 

We assessed the independent effects of socioeconomic status, sex, adiposity, and physical activity on C-reactive protein in young adults.

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