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Severe Respiratory Illness Associated with Enterovirus D68 -Missouri and Illinois, 2014

illness  illinois  missouri  associated  respiratory  enterovirus 

On September 8, 2014, this report was posted as an MMWR Early Release on the MMWR website (http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr).

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Preventing Chronic Disease | Association Between Contraceptive Use and Gestational Diabetes: Missouri Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, 2007"2008 - CDC

disease  diabetes  chronic  pregnancy  risk  assessment  missouri  system  CDC  between  monitoring  epidemiology  gestational  PRAMS  association  contraceptive  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD  contraceptive agents 

The efficacy and safety of contraceptives have been questioned for decades; however, whether a relationship exists between hormonal contraceptives and gestational diabetes (GDM) is undetermined. The aim of this study was to investigate whether maternal risk for GDM was influenced by type of contraceptive method used before pregnancy.

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Preventing Chronic Disease | Smoking Initiation, Tobacco Product Use, and Secondhand Smoke Exposure Among General Population and Sexual Minority Youth, Missouri, 2011"2012 - CDC

youth  students  disease  chronic  missouri  tobacco  secondhand  smoke  smoking  CDC  among  exposure  product  sexual  minority  initiation  population  Risk Factors  health promotion  Preventing Chronic Disease 

Research indicates disparities in risky health behaviors between heterosexual and sexual minority (referred to as LGBQ; also known as lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, and questioning) youth. Limited data are available for tobacco-use–related behaviors beyond smoking status. We compared data on tobacco age of initiation, product use, and secondhand smoke exposure between general population and LGBQ youth.

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Missouri Anti-Bullying Laws & Policies

bullying  policies  laws  antibullying  missouri  stop bullying  anti bullying laws by state  anti bullying policies by state  anti bullying laws missouri 

Find out what laws and policies cover bullying and cyberbullying in Missouri. Visit StopBullying.gov for more information.

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