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312 Search Results


Urinary Diversion

patients  bladder  Surgical Techniques  Stoma  Urologic Diseases  Urine  Urination Disorders  Urinary Tract  Urethra  Obstructive Uropathy  Continent urostomy  Kidneys  Ureters  Catheterization  general public  Urinary Diversion  permanent urinary diversion  temporary urinary diversion  cystectomy  nephrostomy 

Urinary diversion is a surgical procedure to reroute the normal flow of urine out of the body when urine flow is blocked or needs to bypass a diseased area.

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Riñón ectópico

Kidney Disease  Patients  reflujo vesicoureteral  RVU  Riñón ectópico  ectopia renal  síntomas del riñón ectópico  señales del riñón ectópico  complicaciones de riñón ectópico  pruebas de riñón ectópico  tratamiento del riñón ectópico  diagnóstico del riñón ectópico  cirugía del riñón ectópico  defecto congénito  ectopia renal cruzada  riñón pélvico  riñón torácico 

Un riñón ectópico se desarrolla en el lugar equivocado durante el crecimiento del feto en el útero. La mayoría de las personas con un riñón ectópico no presentan síntomas ni complicaciones.

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Binge Eating Disorder

obesity  eating habits  Diet Nutrition  Weight Management  Binge Eating Disorder  eating disorders  Bulimia nervosa  behavioral therapy  severe obesity  binge eating disorders 

Overview of binge eating disorder—how common it is, who is most likely to develop it, related health problems, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment.

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Ectopic Kidney

patients  Kidney Disease  Vesicoureteral Reflux  birth defect  Ectopic Kidney  VUR  renal ectopia  ectopic kidney symptoms  ectopic kidney signs  ectopic kidney complications  ectopic kidney tests  ectopic kidney treatment  ectopic kidney diagnosis  ectopic kidney surgery  crossed renal ectopia  pelvic kidney  thoracic kidney 

An ectopic kidney develops in the wrong place while a fetus grows in the womb. Most people with an ectopic kidney don’t have symptoms or complications.

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Understanding Adult Overweight & Obesity

cancer  asthma  treatment  diabetes  patients  obesity  medicines  culture  sleep  overweight  physical activity  genes  heart disease  high blood pressure  weight loss  Risk Factors  Infertility  healthy eating  BMI  obese 

Learn more about overweight and obesity among adults, including causes, related health risks, and treatments.

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Bladder Control Problems (Urinary Incontinence)

patients  Urologic Diseases  Urge Incontinence  Urinary Incontinence  Bladder Control  health professionals  urine leaks  leaky bladder  stress incontinence  bladder control problems  UI  urine leakage  leaking pee  overactive bladder  urgency incontinence 

Learn about one of the most common bladder control problems, urinary incontinence, which is a condition that involves the accidental loss or leaking of urine.

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Alimentación saludable durante la hemodiálisis

Dieta  nutricion  Kidney Disease  fósforo  potasio  proteínas  sodio  Enfermedad renal crónica  Líquidos  Diálisis  Hemodiálisis  Patients  Planificación de comidas  autocuidado  dietistas  ingesta de calorías 

Explica cómo afectan los alimentos a los pacientes en hemodiálisis y describe la función de los líquidos, potasio, fósforo, proteínas, sodio, calorías, y vitaminas y minerales.

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Eating & Nutrition for Hemodialysis

sodium  nutrition  diet  Protein  Kidney Disease  potassium  Fluids  Kidneys  Meal Planning  dialysis  hemodialysis  chronic kidney disease  Self-care  Caloric Intake  Phosphorus  Dietitians 

Explains in an easy-to-read format how food affects hemodialysis patients and describes the role of fluids, potassium, phosphorus, protein, sodium, calories, and vitamins and minerals.

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