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Preventing Chronic Disease | Understanding and Use of Nicotine Replacement Therapy and Nonpharmacologic Smoking Cessation Strategies Among Chinese and Vietnamese Smokers and Their Families - CDC

nicotine  disease  chronic  families  smoking  CDC  among  therapy  cessation  smokers  their  strategies  understanding  replacement  nonpharmacologic  chinese  vietnamese  smoking cessation  asian american  Preventing Chronic Disease 

Population-based studies have reported high rates of smoking prevalence among Chinese and Vietnamese American men. Although nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is effective, recommended, and accessible without prescription, these populations underuse NRT for smoking cessation. The aim of this study was to assess understanding and use of NRT and nonpharmacologic treatments among Chinese and Vietnamese American male smokers and their families.

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Families with Special Needs - CDC Features

features  needs  families  CDC  special 

Being informed, getting support, and taking care of yourself can help you and those you care for stay safe and healthy.

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Help for Service Members and Their Families

help  members  service  families 

Current and former service members may face different mental health issues than the general public.

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