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Online Education Kit: Understanding the Human Genome Project

education  online  project  human  understanding  kit  genome  nhgri 

Includes a history and descriptions of the Human Genome Project including a timeline, how to sequence a genome, bioinformatics, genes variation and human history and more.

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Announcement: Recommendations Regarding Education Programsand Policies to Promote Health Equity - Community PreventiveServices Task Force

education  health  community  policies  recommendations  equity  announcement  regarding  preventiveservices  task  force  programsand  promote 

The Community Preventive Services Task Force posted new information about two recommendations on its website: 1) Promoting Health Equity Through Education Programs and Policies: High School Completion Programs, available at http://www.thecommunityguide.org/healthequity/education/highschoolcompletion.

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10 Years of Tourette Syndrome Education and Research | CDC Features

education  research  years  syndrome  tourette  CDC Features  Tourette Syndrome  tics  tourette syndrome awareness  tourette syndrome data  TS 

Tourette Syndrome Awareness month is May 15-June 15. Learn more about CDC’s decade of work doing research and educating the public on Tourette Syndrome.

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5 Surprising Facts About High Blood Pressure | CDC Features

education  features  may  power  CDC  national  blood  stroke  month  hypertension  cardiovascular  pressure  heart disease  high blood pressure  CDC Features  high blood pressure; hypertension; blood pressure eduction; heart disease and stroke 

What you don’t know about high blood pressure could hurt you. High blood pressure affects one in three Americans,1 yet many people with the condition don’t know they have it.

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Announcements: National High Blood Pressure Education Month- May 2014

education  may  national  announcements  blood  month  pressure 

May is National High Blood Pressure Education Month. High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is the leading risk factor for stroke and a major cause of morbidity and mortality (1). In the United States, nearly one in three adults has hypertension, but only about half (47%) of those have it under control (1).

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Celebrate National DNA Day on April 25th! | CDC Features

education  students  april  day  national  celebrate  public  DNA  genomics  genetics  CDC Features  teachers  National DNA Day  high school  Human Genome Project  double helix 

National DNA Day is the perfect time to share what you know about DNA and learn more. Visit the National DNA Day website to find resources for teachers, students, and anyone else who wants to improve their understanding of DNA, genetics, and genomics. The website also has information for experts in genetics and genomics who are interested in outreach to schools and other places in their community. Read more about how you can participate in National DNA Day.

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Impact of a National Tobacco Education Campaign on WeeklyNumbers of Quitline Calls and Website Visitors - United States,March 4-June 23, 2013

education  june  website  tobacco  national  impact  campaign  weeklynumbers  quitline  calls  visitors 

Persons using assistive technology might not be able to fully access information in this file. For assistance, please send e-mail to: mmwrq@cdc.gov.

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September is National Cholesterol Education Month - CDC Features

education  features  september  CDC  national  month  cholesterol 

Learn what steps you can take to prevent high cholesterol or to reduce your LDL bad cholesterol level.

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