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Pregnant? Get Tdap in Your Third Trimester | CDC Features

features  vaccination  pregnant  pregnancy  CDC  tdap  trimester  CDC Features  Whooping Cough  bordetella pertussis  vaccine protection  whooping sound  waning vaccine protection  pertussis outbreak  100 day cough 

Only you can give your baby protection against whooping cough before your little one is even born. Talk to your doctor or midwife about getting the Tdap vaccine during your third trimester.

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Protect Your Baby from Group B Strep! | CDC Features

prevention  features  pregnant  pregnancy  protect  CDC  group  strep  baby  CDC Features  Group B Strep  group B streptococcal bacteria  GBS carrier  35 weeks pregnant  labor  antibiotics during labor 

Talk with your doctor about a GBS test when you are 35-37 weeks pregnant.

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Helping Children with Congenital CMV | CDC Features

features  children  pregnant  virus  pregnancy  protect  CDC  baby  blood  babies  cytomegalovirus  Urine  CDC Features  Birth Defects  CMV  developmental disabilities  hearing loss  congenital CMV  CMV infection  toddlers 

Help children with congenital CMV infection develop to their full potential.

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Pregnant Women & Influenza (Flu)

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Fact sheet provides an overview about the impact of flu on pregnant women, and emphasizes the importance of flu vaccination for pregnant women and their unborn babies - CDC

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FluVaxView: Pregnant Women and Flu Shots 2012

flu  pregnant  women  pregnancy  fluvaxview  shots  pregnant women  flu vaccination  internet panel survey United States  november 2012  influenza vaccination coverage  vaccination estimates 

CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Influenza Flu - findings from the Internet Panel Survey of pregnant women flu vaccination in the United States for the 2010-11, 2011-12, and 2012-13 flu seasons.

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Recommendations for Obstetric Health Care Providers

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Recommendations for obstetric health care providers in prescribing antiviral medications for treatment and prevention of influenza - CDC

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Medication and Pregnancy

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Pregnant women should not stop or start taking any type of medication that they need without first talking with a doctor. Women planning to become pregnant should discuss any medication with their doctor before becoming pregnant.

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