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Human Growth Hormone & Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Resource List

symptoms  risk  prevalence  therapy  patients  incidence  health professionals  hormones  Endocrine Diseases  Endocrine Diseases and Disorders  Correlation  CJD  Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease  Pituitary Gland  hGH and Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease 

Provides links to information on the connection between human growth hormones and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and to support organizations and journal articles.?

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Iodine: Fact Sheet for Health Professionals

vitamin  nutrition  thyroid  dietary supplement  salt  iodide  iodine  fact sheet  nutrient  hormones  iodized  mineral 

Find out what iodine is and what it does in your body, what foods provide it, and about iodine supplements.

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Your Kidneys & How They Work

blood  patients  bladder  Kidney Disease  filter  Anatomy  Urine  Urinary Tract  Kidneys  health professionals  general public  minerals  hormones  Glomerulus  Tubule  Nephron  Electrolytes  Glomeruli  renal system  blood flow 

Learn how your kidneys filter blood, why kidneys are important, and how kidneys help maintain a healthy balance of water, salts, and minerals in your body.

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Yodo: Hoja informativa para consumidores

vitamin  nutrition  thyroid  dietary supplement  salt  iodide  iodine  fact sheet  minerals  nutrient  consumer  suplementos dieteticos  minerales  nutrientes  nutricion  vitaminas  hoja informativa  consumidor  hormones  iodized 

Aprender lo que es el yodo y lo que hace en el cuerpo, cuales alimentos son fuentes de yodo, y de los suplementos dietéticos de yodo.

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Iodine: Fact Sheet for Consumers

vitamin  nutrition  thyroid  dietary supplement  salt  iodide  iodine  fact sheet  minerals  nutrient  consumer  hormones  iodized  mineral 

Find out what iodine is and what it does in your body, what foods provide it, and about iodine supplements.

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