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Living with FASDs: Sasha's Story | CDC Features

features  living  pregnancy  CDC  alcohol  story  fasds  sasha  CDC Features  Birth Defects  Fetal Alcohol Syndrome  fasd  fetal alcohol spectrum disorders  FAS  developmental disabilities  pregnant Q 

September 9th is International Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Awareness Day. Read about Sasha's experiences with FASDs. Also, learn about new materials on alcohol use during pregnancy and FASDs.

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National Men's Health Week | Features

prevention  health  exercise  safety  features  disease  tobacco  CDC  week  national  men  depression  nutrition  stress  diet  physical activity  heart attack  men's health  quit smoking  CDC Features 

National Men’s Health Week is observed each year leading up to Father’s Day. This week is a reminder for men to take steps to be healthier, but they don’t have to do it alone! Whether it’s your husband, partner, dad, brother, son, or friend you can help support the health and safety of the men in your life.

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Ebola Viral Disease Outbreak — West Africa, 2014

ebola  viral  disease  outbreak  west  africa 

On June 24, 2014, this report was posted as an MMWR Early Release on the MMWR website (http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr).

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Announcement: Recommendation Regarding Universal MotorcycleHelmet Laws - Community Preventive Services Task Force

community  laws  services  universal  announcement  recommendation  regarding  task  force  preventive  motorcyclehelmet 

The Community Preventive Services Task Force recently posted new information on its website: "Use of Motorcycle Helmets: Universal Helmet Laws." The task force recommends universal motorcycle helmet laws (laws that apply to all motorcycle operators and passengers) based on strong evidence of effectiveness. Evidence indicates that universal helmet laws increase helmet use, decrease motorcycle-related fatal and nonfatal injuries, and are substantially more effective than no law or only partial motorcycle helmet laws.

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Preventing Youth Violence | CDC Features

youth  features  CDC  violence  CDC Features  youth violence  Violence Prevention 

Everyone has an important role in stopping youth violence before it starts. CDC’s Preventing Youth Violence: Opportunities for Action and its companion guide provide action steps to help everyone be part of the solution.

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Preventing Chronic Disease | Smoking Initiation, Tobacco Product Use, and Secondhand Smoke Exposure Among General Population and Sexual Minority Youth, Missouri, 2011"2012 - CDC

youth  students  disease  chronic  missouri  tobacco  secondhand  smoke  smoking  CDC  among  exposure  product  sexual  minority  initiation  population  Risk Factors  health promotion  Preventing Chronic Disease 

Research indicates disparities in risky health behaviors between heterosexual and sexual minority (referred to as LGBQ; also known as lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, and questioning) youth. Limited data are available for tobacco-use–related behaviors beyond smoking status. We compared data on tobacco age of initiation, product use, and secondhand smoke exposure between general population and LGBQ youth.

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Smoking Can Cause Clefts | CDC Features

features  pregnancy  smoking  CDC  clefts  cause  CDC Features  Birth Defects  orofacial clefts  cleft lip  cleft palate  National Cleft and Craniofacial Awareness and Prevention Month 

As part of National Cleft and Craniofacial Awareness and Prevention Month, CDC urges women to quit smoking before pregnancy to reduce the risk of clefts of the lip or palate in babies. For free help quitting, call 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669).

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Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), Symptoms of Coronavirus

corona virus  COVID19  COVID-19 

People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness.

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Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), Testing for COVID-19

testing  COVID19  COVID-19 

Two kinds of tests are available for COVID-19: viral tests and antibody tests. ...

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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

coronavirus  (COVID-19) 

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