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Human Growth Hormone & Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Resource List

symptoms  risk  prevalence  therapy  patients  incidence  health professionals  hormones  Endocrine Diseases  Endocrine Diseases and Disorders  Correlation  CJD  Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease  Pituitary Gland  hGH and Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease 

Provides links to information on the connection between human growth hormones and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and to support organizations and journal articles.?

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Graves’ Disease

research  symptoms  treatment  pregnancy  patients  diagnosis  thyroid  Patient Care Management  Information Resources  Diagnostic Tests  Drug Therapy  iodine  Endocrine Diseases  Endocrine Diseases and Disorders  Graves Ophthalmopathy  TSH  Thyroiditis  Hashimotos Disease  Hyperthyroidism  Graves Disease 

Overview of Graves’ disease, an autoimmune disorder that can cause hyperthyroidism, or overactive thyroid.

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Urodynamic Testing

symptoms  antibiotics  testing  patients  bladder  anesthesia  pelvic floor  Urodynamics  Urologic Diseases  Urine  Urinary Tract  Urethra  Ultrasound  Drinking Water  Diagnostic Imaging  Urinary Incontinence  Sphincter  Urination  Uroflowmetry  Cystometry 

Urodynamic tests help diagnose lower urinary tract problems by showing how well your bladder, sphincters, and urethra work together to store and release urine.

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Prostate Tests

symptoms  patients  prostate  gland  PSA  biopsy  Diagnostic Tests  prostate cancer  BPH  DRE  Urodynamics  Urologic Diseases  Male  Prostatitis  Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia  Digital Rectal Exam  Prostate Specific Antigen  Urinalysis  Cytoscopy  Transrectal Ultrasound 

Learn about tests used to identify prostate problems, such as DRE, PSA test, prostate health index, and a transrectal ultrasound with prostate biopsy.

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Bladder Infection (Urinary Tract Infection—UTI) in Adults

prevention  symptoms  treatment  adults  antibiotics  therapy  diagnosis  Diagnostic Tests  Urologic Diseases  Urinary Tract Infection  Urinary Tract Infections  general public  cystitis  UTI  bladder infection  bladder infection symptoms  painful urination  bladder infection treatment  bladder infection diet 

An overview of bladder infection in adults, which is a type of urinary tract infection. Describes symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.

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Urinary Tract Infection in Children

prevention  symptoms  children  causes  definition  treatments  bladder  clinical trials  Diagnostic Tests  Drug Therapy  Risk Factors  Urodynamics  Urologic Diseases  Urinary Tract  Urethra  Magnetic Resonance Imaging  CT Scan  Urinary Tract Infection  Ultrasound  Vesicoureteral Reflux 

Read about bladder infections, as well as pain and urgency with urination, in children. Learn about the symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatments.

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Interstitial Cystitis (Painful Bladder Syndrome)

symptoms  treatment  pain  therapy  diagnosis  bladder  Diagnostic Tests  Drug Therapy  Urologic Diseases  Cystoscopy  Interstitial Cystitis  Urine Testing  Electrical Stimulation  Psychological Factors  general public  Urination Disorders Urogenital System  Painful Bladder Syndrome Interstitial Cystitis  painful bladder syndrome  bladder pain syndrome  IC 

An overview of interstitial cystitis, also called bladder pain syndrome. Describes symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment, and how diet may affect symptoms.

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How To Handle Withdrawal Symptoms and Triggers When You Decide To Quit Smoking

nicotine  symptoms  anxiety  tobacco  smoking  nasal  quit  depression  decide  handle  withdrawal  triggers  symptom  gum  smoker  10.22  anger  bupropion  craving  inhaler 

This fact sheet provides helpful tips related to smoking cessation.

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