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Q&A with Missy Franklin: Olympic Gold Medalist and Healthy Swimming Champion | CDC Features

training  features  CDC  swimming  missy  franklin  olympic  gold  medalist  champion  CDC Features  drowning  healthy swimming  recreational water illness  swimming pool  Missy Franklin  Olympic swimmer  pool safety  swimming disease  swimming health 

Between swim practice, competitive meets, and college courses, we caught up with five-time Olympic medalist Missy Franklin for her tips on keeping swimming healthy, safe, and fun.

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World Immunization Week | CDC Features

features  vaccination  vaccines  immunization  CDC  world  week  Global Health  CDC Features 

During World Immunization Week, beginning on April 20th, CDC and partners around the globe aim to promote one of the world’s most powerful tools for health – the use of vaccines to protect, or immunize, people of all ages against disease.

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Key Findings: Use of clomiphene citrate and birth defects, National Birth Defects Prevention Study, 1997-2005

prevention  national  study  birth  defects  findings  clomiphene  citrate 

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Birth Defects - Facts

facts  pregnancy  CDC  birth  defects  Birth Defects  Down Syndrome  heart defects  preconception care  National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities  developmental disabilities 

CDC works to identify causes of birth defects and opportunities to prevent them. By applying a public health approach incorporating three essential elements—surveillance or disease tracking, research to identify causes, and prevention research and programs—we can rapidly translate scientific findings into appropriate public health interventions.

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Announcements: Recommendations Regarding Tobacco Use andSecondhand Smoke Exposure from the Community Preventive ServicesTask Force

community  recommendations  tobacco  smoke  announcements  exposure  regarding  force  andsecondhand  preventive  servicestask 

Persons using assistive technology might not be able to fully access information in this file. For assistance, please send e-mail to: mmwrq@cdc.gov.

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Workers' Memorial Day - April 28, 2014

april  day  workers'  memorial 

Workers' Memorial Day, observed on April 28, 2014, recognizes workers who died or suffered from exposures to hazards at work. In 2012, a total of 4,383 U.S.

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QuickStats: Percentage of Currently Employed Adults Who Were Current Smokers, by Selected Industries - National Health Interview Survey, United States, 2008-2012

health  survey  adults  who  states  national  current  quickstats  percentage  interview  smokers  selected  currently  employed  were  industries 

* Based on responses to a question that asked, "Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your entire life?" Respondents answering "yes" were then asked, "Do you now smoke cigarettes every day, some days, or not at all?" Current smokers have smoked at least 100 cigarettes in their lifetime and currently smoke every day or some days.

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CDC's Race to Eradicate Polio | CDC Features

features  who  CDC  race  eradicate  polio  CDC Features  UNICEF  Jonas Salk  Albert Sabin  outbreak response  CDC Polio Response  Polio Eradication  Global Polio Eradication Initiative  Bill Gates  Rotary  CDC 24/7 

The fight against polio has been part of CDC’s mission since the 1950s, and the global push to eradicate polio is just the latest chapter in CDC’s polio efforts

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