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162 Search Results


Trasplante de islotes pancreáticos

Diabetes  Patients  insulina  diabetes tipo 1  trasplante de islotes pancreáticos  Trasplante de islotes  tratamiento experimental para la diabetes tipo 1  células beta  inmunodepresores  alotrasplante de islotes  autotrasplante de islotes 

Descripción general del trasplante de islotes, un tratamiento experimental para la diabetes tipo 1. Se toman los islotes sanos de un páncreas donado y se le colocan a un receptor.

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Financial Help for Diabetes Care

diabetes  patients  health insurance  medicaid  transplantation  Patient Care Management  Diabetes Mellitus  Medicare  CHIP  Equipment and Supplies  dialysis  general public  insulin  prescription drugs  Part A  Financial Aid  Obamacare  Hospital Care  Managed Care  Diabetes costs 

Lists private health insurance, government health insurance, and other health care services for people with diabetes, plus helpful organizations or resources.

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Hyperthyroidism (Overactive Thyroid)

patients  iodine  Endocrine Diseases  Thyroiditis  Hyperthyroidism  Graves Disease  thyroid surgery  iodine and the thyroid  radioactive iodine  radioiodine  antithyroid medicines  Thyroid Nodule  postpartum thyroiditis  thyroid nodules  goiter  subacute thyroiditis  silent thyroiditis  overactive thyroid gland  beta-blockers  methimazole 

Hyperthyroidism, an overactive thyroid gland, can speed up your body’s functions. Learn about its causes, complications, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.

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Diabetes Collection

diabetes  collection 

Contains publications associated with the Diabetes (English) health topic.

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Prostatitis: Inflammation of the Prostate

chronic  acute  patients  inflammation  prostate  Urologic Diseases  Prostatitis  bacterial  asymptomatic  pelvic pain  Prostatitis Inflammation of the Prostate 

The causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatments for chronic prostatitis/pelvic pain syndrome and acute and chronic bacterial prostatitis.

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The A1C Test & Race/Ethnicity

gallstones  african  patients  anemia  red blood cells  Diagnostic Tests  Blood Glucose  blood disorder  sickle cell disease  african american  asian  hispanic  variant  hemoglobin  blood sugar  A1C  hypoglycemia  hyperglycemia  diabetes test  A1C Test 

Overview of hemoglobin variants that can affect A1C test results, and how to ensure your diabetes is well controlled if you have one of these variants.

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Pruebas de diagnóstico Collection (Spanish)

Contains publications associated with the Diagnostic Tests (Spanish) health topic.

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Kegel Exercises

pregnancy  patients  bladder  aging  Anus  Urologic Diseases  Urinary Incontinence  Bladder Control  gas  Fecal Incontinence  uterus  bowel incontinence  kegel exercises  pelvic floor muscles  pelvic floor exercises  urine leakage  pelvic floor muscle training  PFMT  bowel control  stool leakage 

Learn about Kegel exercises: simple exercises you can do to treat bladder problems and improve bowel control.

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Control de peso Collection (Spanish)

Contains publications associated with the Weight Control & Healthy Living (Spanish) health topic.

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Interstitial Cystitis (Painful Bladder Syndrome)

symptoms  treatment  pain  therapy  diagnosis  bladder  Diagnostic Tests  Drug Therapy  Urologic Diseases  Cystoscopy  Interstitial Cystitis  Urine Testing  Electrical Stimulation  Psychological Factors  general public  Urination Disorders Urogenital System  Painful Bladder Syndrome Interstitial Cystitis  painful bladder syndrome  bladder pain syndrome  IC 

An overview of interstitial cystitis, also called bladder pain syndrome. Describes symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment, and how diet may affect symptoms.

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