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Why Teach Kids About Hearing Loss Caused by Noise?

noise  kids  hearing loss  pre-teen 

Preteens are at an important stage in their lives. They are starting to make some of their own choices. At the same time, they are still listening to you. That’s why this is a great time to teach them that exposure to loud noises can damage their hearing and that noise-induced hearing loss

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Back to School | CDC Features

health  features  school  kids  CDC  physical activity  CDC Features  healthy living 

As autumn approaches, many children are heading back to school. Because children spend much of their time in classrooms, schools are an ideal setting to teach and model healthy behaviors. As children across the country get ready to return to school, parents and staff can gear up to improve the health of students and help them achieve academic success.

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Put Vaccination on Your Back-to-School List | CDC Features

teens  features  vaccination  women  summer  kids  vaccines  immunization  CDC  preteens  HPV  girls  vaccinations  too  cervical cancer  cancer prevention  anal cancer  CDC Features  HPV vaccine  human papillomavirus 

Beat the back-to-school rush! Make an appointment for vaccinations before the back-to-school rush begins at the doctor's office.

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Keep Kids Safe This Summer | CDC Features

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Hot weather provides opportunities for kids to enjoy the outdoors. Take steps to keep them safe and healthy, both indoors and outdoors.

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Less HPV Infections Mean Healthier Communities of Color | CDC Features

teens  health  features  vaccination  women  kids  vaccines  immunization  CDC  preteens  HPV  girls  minority  vaccinations  cervical cancer  cancer prevention  anal cancer  CDC Features  minority health  HPV vaccine 

Human papillomavirus (or HPV) causes several types of cancers, and some communities of color have higher levels of these HPV cancers.

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Protect Your Daughters from Cervical Cancer | CDC Features

teens  cancer  features  vaccination  women  kids  vaccines  protect  immunization  CDC  preteens  HPV  daughters  cervical  girls  vaccinations  cervical cancer  cancer prevention  CDC Features  HPV vaccine 

Get HPV vaccine for your sons and daughters at ages 11-12 to protect them from HPV cancers including cervical cancer.

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Healthy Pets Healthy People | CDC Features

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There are many positive benefits of owning a pet; however, it's important to know that some animals may carry germs that can be spread to people and cause illness.

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Kids and Rabies | CDC Features

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Knowing How to Prevent Rabies isn't Just for Adults. Kids Can Get the Facts Too. Rabies is a dangerous virus that is found in the saliva of animals. It can infect and kill animals and humans. Every 10 minutes, someone dies from rabies. Even though anyone can get rabies, more than half of the people who get rabies are kids under the age of 15.

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HPV Vaccine is Cancer Prevention for Boys, Too! | CDC Features

teens  cancer  features  vaccination  vaccine  kids  vaccines  immunization  CDC  preteens  HPV  boys  men  vaccinations  cervical cancer  anal cancer  CDC Features  throat cancer  HPV vaccine  human papillomavirus 

Ask your child's doctor at their next appointment about getting HPV vaccine. Take advantage of any visit to the doctor—such as an annual health checkup or physicals for sports, camp, or college—to ask the doctor about what shots your preteens and teens need.

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