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Cómo puede el ruido afectar la audición

hearing  noise  noisyplanet 

Los sonidos pueden causar daño permanente a la audición cuando son demasiado fuertes y duran mucho tiempo. Esto se llama pérdida de audición inducida por el ruido (noise-induced hearing loss, NIHL).

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How Does Noise Damage Your Hearing?

hearing  noise  noisyplanet 

Sounds that are too loud for too long can damage your hearing permanently. This is called noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). The louder the noise, the faster it can damage your hearing.

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Protege tu audición del ruido: Consejos para los oídos jóvenes

hearing  noise  hearing protection  noisyplanet 

¡El mundo es ruidoso! Muchos sonidos son seguros, pero otros pueden dañar tu audición. Este tipo de daño se llama pérdida de audición inducida por ruido.

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When it is Loud, Protect Your Hearing: Sound Advice for Young Ears

hearing  noise  hearing protection 

It’s a noisy planet! Many sounds are safe, but others can damage your hearing. This damage is called noise-induced hearing loss, or NIHL for short.

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How Loud Is Too Loud?

hearing  noise  How Loud is Too Loud  noisyplanet  Measure Sound 

We hear many types of sounds every day. While many of those sounds are safe, sounds that are too loud and last too long can permanently damage your hearing. The louder the sound, the more damage it can cause to your hearing, and the faster this damage will occur. This damage is called noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL).

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¿Cuándo el sonido es demasiado alto?

hearing  noise  How Loud is Too Loud  noisyplanet  Measure Sound 

Oímos muchos tipos de sonidos todos los días. Si bien muchos de esos sonidos son seguros, los sonidos que son demasiado fuertes y duran demasiado tiempo pueden dañar la audición de manera permanente. Mientras más alto sea el sonido, mayor será el daño a la audición y más rápido podría ocurrir el daño. Esto se llama pérdida de audición inducida por el ruido (noise-induced hearing loss, NIHL).

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Teacher Toolkit

hearing  noise 

Noisy Planet’s Teacher Toolkit will help you teach preteens about the causes and prevention of noise-induced hearing loss. It provides easy-to-use resources and step-by-step instructions for fun activities.

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Tips for Teaching Kids about Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

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Whether you’re a teacher, community leader, or health professional, your regular interactions with kids provide you with unique opportunities to help shape their healthy hearing habits for life.

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Keep Listening to the Beat

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Did you know that listening to personal music players for too many hours a day, at too high a volume, can damage your hearing? This damage adds up over time, and it’s permanent.

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What Did You Say? What Loud Noises Can Do to Your Hearing

hearing  noise  noise-induced hearing loss 

Would you agree that it’s a Noisy Planet? You hear loud noises at school, home, concerts, sporting events, and just about anywhere else.

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