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Keep Your Cool in Hot Weather | CDC Features

features  summer  emergency  CDC  preparedness  weather  hot weather  CDC Features  extreme heat 

Learn about heat-related illness and how to stay cool and safe in hot weather.

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Put Vaccination on Your Back-to-School List | CDC Features

teens  features  vaccination  women  summer  kids  vaccines  immunization  CDC  preteens  HPV  girls  vaccinations  too  cervical cancer  cancer prevention  anal cancer  CDC Features  HPV vaccine  human papillomavirus 

Beat the back-to-school rush! Make an appointment for vaccinations before the back-to-school rush begins at the doctor's office.

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Keep Kids Safe This Summer | CDC Features

prevention  health  safety  features  children  disease  summer  kids  playground  play  CDC  injury  swimming  work  water  pool  heat  sun  sunburn  CDC Features 

Hot weather provides opportunities for kids to enjoy the outdoors. Take steps to keep them safe and healthy, both indoors and outdoors.

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