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Harms of Cigarette Smoking and Health Benefits of Quitting

nicotine  health  risk  tobacco  quitting  secondhand  smokeless  smoking  cigarette  hookah  benefits  quit  cessation  quitline  lung  cervical  leukemia  kidney  cigar  rectal 

A fact sheet that lists some of the cancer-causing chemicals in tobacco smoke and describes the health problems caused by cigarette smoking and the benefits of quitting.

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Where To Get Help When You Decide To Quit Smoking

nicotine  help  tobacco  smoking  quit  cessation  quitline  replacement  where  decide  smoker  10.23 

This fact sheet provides information about helpful resources for people who have decided to quit smoking.

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Colon Cancer Treatment (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version

cancer  health  treatment  version  professional  colon  Colon Cancer 

Colon cancer treatment often involves open surgical resection as the primary treatment for localized disease. Other modalities include chemotherapy, targeted therapy, radiation therapy, and local ablation. Get detailed information about colon cancer treatment in this summary for clinicians.

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Adult Central Nervous System Tumors Treatment (PDQ®)–Patient Version

treatment  adult  brain  patient  version  tumors  adult brain tumor 

Adult central nervous system tumor treatment may include surgery, radiosurgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, surveillance, and targeted therapy. Treatment depends on the tumor type. Learn more about brain and spinal tumor treatment in this expert-reviewed summary.

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Osteosarcoma and Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma of Bone Treatment (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version

health  treatment  version  professional  osteosarcoma  malignant  fibrous  histiocytoma  bone  childhood malignant fibrous histiocytoma of bone 

Osteosarcoma and malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH) of bone treatment depends on site, extent of disease, and grade. Treatment options include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and targeted therapy. Get detailed treatment information for osteosarcoma and MFH in this summary for clinicians.

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Adult Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Treatment (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version

health  treatment  adult  version  nonhodgkin  lymphoma  professional  adult non-Hodgkin lymphoma 

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma treatment options include chemotherapy, radiation, targeted therapy, plasmapheresis, surveillance, stem cell transplant, and surgery. Get comprehensive information on Non-Hodgkin classification and treatment in this clinician summary.

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Cancer Pain (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version

health  pain  version  professional 

Cancer pain can be a complication of cancer or its treatment, and can negatively affect the functional status and quality of life of cancer patients. Get comprehensive, practical information on the screening, assessment, and management of cancer-related pain in this summary for clinicians.

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Esophageal Cancer Treatment (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version

cancer  health  treatment  version  professional  esophageal  Esophageal cancer 

Esophageal cancer treatment options include surgery alone for very early disease and add chemotherapy and radiation therapy for more advanced cases. Get detailed information about the treatment of newly diagnosed and recurrent esophageal cancer in this summary for clinicians.

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Sleep Disorders (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version

health  disorders  sleep  version  professional  sleep disorders 

Sleep disorders (e.g., insomnias, sleep apnea, hypersomnias, parasomnias, and problems with circadian rhythm) are common in people with cancer. Get detailed information about the causes and management of the major sleep disorders in this summary for clinicians.

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Oral Cavity, Pharyngeal, and Laryngeal Cancer Screening (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version

cancer  health  screening  oral  version  professional  disease screening  lip and oral cavity cancer  oropharyngeal cancer  Nasopharyngeal cancer  Laryngeal cancer  hypopharyngeal cancer  head and neck squamous cell cancer 

Oral cavity, pharyngeal, and laryngeal cancer screening is not recommended as part of routine cancer screening. Get detailed information about screening, including the potential benefits and harms of screening for these cancers in this summary for clinicians.

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Testicular Cancer Screening (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version

cancer  health  screening  version  professional  testicular  disease screening  testicular cancer 

For testicular cancer, there is no standard or routine screening test. Review the limited evidence on the benefits and harms of screening for testicular cancer using ultrasound, physical examination, and self-examination in this expert-reviewed summary.

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Cervical Cancer Prevention (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version

cancer  prevention  health  cervical  version  professional  cervical cancer 

Cervical cancer prevention stems from the knowledge that certain types of human papillomavirus (HPV) are responsible for nearly all cervical cancers. Get detailed information about the factors associated with cervical cancer risk and approaches for preventing it in this summary for clinicians.

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Skin Cancer Prevention (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version

cancer  prevention  health  skin  version  professional  skin cancer  cancer prevention 

Skin cancer prevention strategies include avoiding risk factors such as ultraviolet radiation, and increasing protective factors. Get detailed information about factors that influence the risk of skin cancer and interventions aimed at preventing it in this summary for clinicians.

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Childhood Rhabdomyosarcoma Treatment (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version

health  treatment  childhood  version  professional  rhabdomyosarcoma  childhood rhabdomyosarcoma 

Rhabdomyosarcoma (cancer of striated muscle) in children is treated with chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery. For pediatric embryonal, alveolar, and anaplastic rhabdomyosarcoma, learn about the disease presentation, diagnosis, prognosis, treatment regimens, and clinical trials in this expert-reviewed summary.

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Lymphedema (PDQ®)–Patient Version

patient  version  lymphedema 

Lymphedema (the build-up of lymph fluid in tissues causing swelling) can have significant negative effects on function and quality of life. Learn about ways to prevent and treat it with exercise, compression, laser and drug therapy, surgery, massage, and more in this expert-reviewed summary.

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