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Office of Research Reporting and Analysis (ORRA)

research  reporting  office  analysis  ORRA 

Provides data and reporting support for grants processing for NIH and other agencies (HHS Operating Divisions and the Veterans’ Administration) and works with the user community to provide efficient techniques for the conduct of extramural business. This effort is intended to guide the management of the NIH research portfolio and improve the nation's health.

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Sharing Scientific Data

data  sharing 

Sharing scientific data accelerates biomedical research discovery, enhances research rigor and reproducibility, provides accessibility to high-value datasets, and promotes data reuse for future research studies. Under the NIH Data Management & Sharing Policy, investigators are empowered to choose the most appropriate methods for sharing scientific data. Learn more about methods for data sharing and selecting data repositories.

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Plan Your Application

application  nih 

It's a major undertaking-preparing and submitting an NIH biomedical research grant application to support your research training needs or pursue your scientific research. This highly competitive endeavor can be subverted by poor planning, preparation, disorganization and lackluster presentation. The successful recipient allows ample time to plan, organize and write a grant application that competes well in the peer review process and ultimately earns funding.

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Protecting U.S. Biomedical Intellectual Innovation

US  protecting  biomedical  intellectual  innovation 

NIH and the biomedical research enterprise have a long history of International collaborations with rules of engagement that allow science to advance while also protecting intellectual capital and proprietary information of the participating countries. These rules of engagement also are designed to limit bias in the design, conduct, and reporting of NIH-supported research. This page describes actions that NIH, institutions, and researchers can take to protect U.

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Division of Human Subjects Research

research  human  division  subjects 

The Division of Human Subjects Research (DHSR) provides expertise, leadership, coordination, and guidance in the areas of policy implementation and development for human subjects research.

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Communicating and Acknowledging Federal Funding

funding  federal  communicating  acknowledging 

Publicizing the outcomes of NIH-funded projects and communicating the role of NIH support in biomedical research improves public understanding of how we, the biomedical research community as a whole, are working to improve human health.

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Writing a Data Management & Sharing Plan

data  plan  management  sharing  writing 

Learn what NIH expects Data Management & Sharing plans to address.

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Office of Policy for Extramural Research Administration (OPERA)

research  policy  office  administration  extramural  OPERA 

OPERA provides leadership and oversight in grants management policy and compliance, intellectual property, and OMB clearances to the extramural research community and NIH extramural staff through policy development, expert guidance, analysis, outreach, and related information dissemination in order to promote effective stewardship of NIH extramural funds in support of health research.

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Early Stage Investigator Policies

policies  stage  investigator 

This page provides information on the NIH Next Generation Researchers Initiative policies that support early-stage investigators (ESIs).

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Standard Due Dates for Competing Applications

funding  nih  grants 

NIH Grants Application Due Dates.

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Which Policies Apply to My Research?

research  policies  apply 

NIH has a variety of sharing policies in place for research that it funds. This tool will assist in helping you determine which of the following NIH policies apply to a particular project.

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Planning and Budgeting for Data Management & Sharing

planning  data  management  sharing  budgeting 

NIH expects applicants to submit a plan for how they will manage and share their data and allows applicants to include certain costs associated with data management and sharing in their budget.

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Data Management and Sharing Policy

policy  data  management  sharing 

NIH has a longstanding commitment to making the results of NIH-funded funded research available. Responsible data management and sharing has many benefits, including accelerating the pace of biomedical research, enabling validation of research results, and providing accessibility to high-value datasets.

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NIH Planning Grant Program (R34)

program  planning  nih  grant  R34 

The NIH Planning Grant Program (R34) provides support for the initial development of a clinical trial or research project. This program may support:.

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