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Information provided from various government agencies.

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Engage Parents & Youth

youth  bullying  engage  parents  stop bullying  school climate bullying  working with community  bullying prevention 

School staff can do a great deal to prevent bullying and protect students at school, but parents and youth play a role, too. Find out more at StopBullying.gov.

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Report a Problem

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Report a Problem

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Food Safety and Power Outages: When to Save and When to Throw Out

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Refrigerated Food and Power Outages: When to Save and When to Throw Out

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People at Risk: Children Under Five

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Baby Food and Infant Formula

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Bacteria and Viruses

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Bacteria and Viruses

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Cold Food Storage Charts

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Recalls and Outbreaks

recalls  alerts  food safety 

Notices of recalls and alerts from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) are listed in the widget. You can click on items within the widget for more information on a recall or alert.

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Food Safety By Events and Seasons

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Whether you’re planning a small summer cookout or a big holiday celebration, a camping trip or a potluck dinner, make sure your plans include food safety.

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Food Safety By Types of Foods

types  foods  food safety 

Some foods are more frequently associated with food poisoning or foodborne illness than others. It is especially important to handle these foods properly. Use these tips and techniques to help keep food safe and prevent food poisoning.

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Meat and Poultry Roasting Chart

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Meat and Poultry Roasting Chart

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Safe Minimum Cooking Temperatures

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Safe Minimum Cooking Temperatures

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Charts: Food Safety at a Glance

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Charts: Food Safety at a Glance

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Four Steps to Food Safety

food poisoning  food safety  preventive actions 

How do you prevent food poisoning? Did you know that 1 in 6 Americans will get sick from food poisoning this year alone? Food poisoning not only sends 128,000 Americans to the hospital each year—it can also have long-term health consequences. Following the four simple steps - clean, separate, cook and, chill - below can help keep your family safe from food poisoning at home.

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Keep Food Safe


Keep Food Safe

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