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Tips From Former Smokers 2013 Campaign -CDC Features

features  tips  CDC  campaign  smokers  former 

CDC’s 2013 National Tobacco Education Campaign - Tips From Former Smokers - features real people who are living with the complications of smoking-related diseases. This campaign encourages smokers to quit.

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Top 10 Influenza Pandemic Response Planning Tips for H7N9 Virus | CDC

virus  tips  CDC  h7n9  influenza  planning  response  top  pandemic  HN  bird flu  Avian Influenza  pandemic preparedness  H7N9 virus  public health officials 

H7N9 influenza pandemic response planning tips for senior public health officials - CDC

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How to Quit Smoking - Quit Tips - Smoking & Tobacco Use

health effects  prevention  youth  industry  statistics  products  tips  tobacco  smokeless  smoking  data  quit  cessation  smokers  publications  stop smoking  secondhand smoke  quit smoking  chewing  Tobacco Use 

Are you one of the more than 70% of smokers who want to quit? Then try following this advice.

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Health Tips for Long-Term Travelers | CDC Features

health  travelers  tips  travel  CDC  CDC Features  long-term travel; extended stay 

If you are going to be spending a long time in a foreign country—to go to school or to work, for example—have a plan to protect your health while you’re away from home.

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Tips for College Health and Safety | CDC Features

cigarettes  cancer  health  public health  exercise  safety  features  women  tips  school  support  smoke  smoking  vaccines  meningitis  CDC  college  nutrition  alcohol  suicide 

Going to college is an exciting time in a young person’s life. It is a time for gaining new knowledge and experiences, both inside and outside the classroom. Here are a few pointers for college students on staying safe and healthy.

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