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Venous Thromboembolism - Risk Factors

Risk factors for VTE include a history of a previous VTE event; surgery; medical conditions such as cancer or spinal cord injury; pregnancy; paralysis or long periods of immobilization; specific genes; and certain circumstances related to age, race, and sex. In most cases of VTE, there is more than one risk factor involved. The more risk factors you have, the greater the chance you have of developing VTE.

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Heart Inflammation - Risk Factors

Heart Inflammation  Endocarditis  Pericarditis  Myocarditis 

Risk factors for heart inflammation depend on the type of heart inflammation. Risk factors may include age; sex; certain genetic conditions; environment; lifestyle choices; medical conditions such as certain cancers, diabetes and HIV/AIDS; and medical procedures including artificial heart valves, pacemakers, and radiation therapy.

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Arrhythmia - Types

arrhythmias  dysrhythmia 

The main types of arrhythmia are bradyarrhythmias; premature, or extra, beats; supraventricular arrhythmias; and ventricular arrhythmias.

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Sarcoidosis - Diagnosis

inflammation  sarcoidosis  granuloma 

Your doctor will diagnose sarcoidosis based on your symptoms, a physical exam, imaging tests, or a biopsy of an affected organ. The doctor will also do tests to rule out other diseases that have similar signs and symptoms.

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Cardiogenic Shock - Life After

cardiac shock 

Cardiogenic shock is life-threatening, but it is treatable. As you recover from cardiogenic shock, it is important to follow your treatment plan and adopt healthy lifestyle changes to prevent another event. You also may need follow-up treatment or support for implanted devices or complications of cardiogenic shock, including organ failure. If cardiogenic shock led to heart failure, your doctor may recommend a heart transplant.

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Respiratory Distress Syndrome - Living With

lung diseases  RDS  neonatal respiratory distress  bronchopulmonary dysplasia  oxygen therapy 

After your baby leaves the hospital, he or she will likely need follow-up care. It is important to follow your child’s treatment plan and get regular care. It is also important to take care of your mental health as you care for your baby at home.

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Conduction Disorders - Diagnosis

heart block 

To diagnose a conduction disorder, your doctor will ask about your medical history, any signs and symptoms, and your family’s medical history, and he or she will perform a physical exam. Your doctor may also recommend tests to look at your heart’s electrical activity and structure and to determine if you have genetic changes that may signal a conduction disorder.

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What Causes a Stroke?

Buildup of plaque and blood clots causing blockage of an artery that supplies oxygen-rich blood to the brain can cause an ischemic stroke, while sudden bleeding from causes such as high blood pressure can result in a hemorrhagic stroke.

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Causes of Overweight and Obesity

Energy imbalances, some genetic or endocrine medical conditions, and medicines are known to cause overweight or obesity.

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Coronary Heart Disease - Diagnosis

coronary artery disease  coronary heart disease  coronary microvascular disease 

Your doctor will diagnose coronary heart disease based on your symptoms, your medical and family history, your risk factors, and the results from tests and procedures. Because women and their doctors may not recognize coronary heart disease symptoms that are different from men’s, women may not be diagnosed and treated as quickly as men. It is important to seek care right away if you have symptoms of coronary heart disease.

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