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What is Peripheral Artery Disease?

arterial  vascular  circulation 

Peripheral artery disease happens when plaque builds up in the arteries that carry blood to your head, organs, and limbs. Plaque buildup leads to atherosclerosis, which limits oxygen-rich blood flow to your organs and other parts of your body. This Health Topic focuses on peripheral artery disease that affects blood flow to the legs.

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Anemia de células falciformes - Factores de riesgo


En los Estados Unidos, la mayoría de las personas con la anemia de células falciformes son de ascendencia africana o se identifican como negros.

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¿Cuáles son las causas de la presión arterial alta?

Los cambios en las funciones normales del cuerpo, ya sean causados por los genes o por el medio ambiente, pueden provocar la presión arterial alta. Estos cambios incluyen cambios en el equilibrio entre los líquidos y la sal en los riñones, así como cambios en el sistema renina angiotensina aldosterona, en la actividad del sistema nervioso simpático, y en la estructura y función de los vasos sanguíneos.

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Asthma - Signs, Symptoms, and Complications

asthma  asthma attack  asthma triggers  asthma flare-up 

How often asthma symptoms occur may depend on how severe, or intense, the asthma is, and whether you are exposed to allergens. Some people have symptoms every day, while others have symptoms only a few days of the year.

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Signos, síntomas y complicaciones del tromboembolismo venoso

A veces, el TEV no causa síntomas hasta que ocurren complicaciones graves. En otros casos, la trombosis venosa profunda provoca hinchazón o malestar cerca del coágulo de sangre. La embolia pulmonar puede causar dolor en el pecho y dificultad para respirar. La embolia pulmonar puede ser una afección potencialmente mortal.

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Enfermedad coronaria - Signos, síntomas y complicaciones

enfermedad coronaria microvascular  Enfermedad de la arteria coronaria  síndrome coronario X  enfermedad isquémica del corazón  enfermedad coronaria no obstructiva  enfermedad obstructiva de la arteria coronaria 

Algunas personas presentan síntomas graves de enfermedad coronaria. Otros no presentan síntomas en absoluto. Si tiene una enfermedad coronaria "silenciosa", es posible que no tenga ningún síntoma hasta que tenga un ataque cardíaco u otra complicación.

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Blood Cholesterol: Screening and Prevention

heart disease  hypercholesterolemia  hyperlipidemia  bad cholesterol  dyslipidemia  ldl cholesterol  hdl cholesterol  High blood cholesterol  lipid panel  statins  familial hypercholesterolemia  good cholesterol 

Your doctor may order a blood test called a lipid panel to screen for unhealthy cholesterol levels. Adopting a heart-healthy lifestyle starting in childhood and continuing throughout your life can help prevent high blood cholesterol.

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Pulmonary Hypertension - Risk Factors

hypertension  blood pressure  arteries  pulmonary 

Your age, environment, family history and genetics, lifestyle habits, medicines you are taking, other medical conditions, and sex can raise your risk of pulmonary hypertension.

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How Sleep Works - Why Sleep is Important

Sleep plays a vital role in good health and well-being throughout your life. The way you feel while you are awake depends in part on what happens while you are sleeping. During sleep, your body is working to support healthy brain function and maintain your physical health. In children and teens, sleep also helps support growth and development. Getting inadequate sleep over time can raise your risk for chronic health problems. It can also affect how well you think, react, work, learn, and get along with others. Learn how sleep affects your heart and circulatory system, metabolism, respiratory system, and immune system and how much sleep is enough.

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Conduction Disorders

heart block 

If you are diagnosed with a conduction disorder, your doctor may recommend lifestyle changes, medicines, surgery, or another procedure to treat your condition. Conduction disorders can be a medical emergency that requires immediate treatment in a hospital emergency department.

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