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Vaping Prevention & Education

Vaping 101: Learn the Facts About Vaping

How dangerous is vaping, exactly? Learn important facts about the health risks of vaping based on the most up-to-date research from FDA.

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Lung Damage and Chemicals

Discover the truth about how these devices can harm you

illustration of a smoking vape

Delivering Dangerous Nicotine

Vaping doesn’t just affect your lungs

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What's Being Done?

Making tobacco-related disease part of the past

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Vaping Facts

Facts about teen vaping

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Tips for Staying Vape-Free

Keeping teens safe

Watch and Learn: More Must-Know Facts About Vaping and e⁠-⁠Cigarettes

Nicotine, and its effects on the teen body and brain, is only one of many dangerous chemicals found in vapes and e⁠-⁠cigarettes.

Extra Credit: Test Your Knowledge

You've read the articles. You've watched the videos. But did you learn the facts? Test your knowledge to make sure that you've retained important information to share with loved ones.