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About Pandemics

Definition, characteristics, and impact of a flu pandemic.

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H1N1 - originally referred to as Swine Flu

Everything you need to know about the flu illness, including symptoms, treatment and prevention - CDC

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U.S. Statistics

US  statistics 

Over 1.1 million people in the U.S. are living with HIV. One in six don’t know it. Get the facts.

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Personality Disorders

disorders  personality 

People with personality disorders have extreme and inflexible personality traits. Learn more about antisocial and borderline personality disorders.

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Health Insurance and Mental Health Services

health  mental  insurance  services 

Does health insurance cover mental health services? Does Medicaid or Medicare? Find out what insurance resources are available for mental health problems.

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Stories of Hope and Recovery

recovery  stories  hope 

People share personal stories of hope and recovery from mental health problems.

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Organizations Announce New Voluntary Commitments to Raise Awareness about Mental Health

health  mental  organizations  announce  voluntary  commitments  raise  awareness 

Organizations Announce New Voluntary Commitments to Raise Awareness about Mental Health

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2009 Texas News Archive

news  texas  archive 

News information on this page and linked to this page is related to the US Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Justice efforts on preventing health care fraud and abuse.

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Tobacco and Nicotine

nicotine  tobacco 

Tobacco is an addictive substance because it contains the chemical nicotine. Learn how tobacco use can cause addiction at BeTobaccoFree.gov.

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Health Effects LP

health  effects 

Learn how tobacco affects your health, including nicotine addiction, secondhand smoke, smoking, and smokeless tobacco, at BeTobaccoFree.gov.

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