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Protect Our Future: Prevent Tobacco Sales to Minors

tobacco  protect  sales  minors  future 

This compliance training video is for tribal retailers that sell regulated tobacco products. FDA’s rules and regulations regarding the sale of regulated tobacco products are described. This video should assist retailers and other stakeholders in Indian Country to understand the laws and how complying with them will help protect Native youth.

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Preventing Chronic Disease | The Effect of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania Clean Indoor Air Act on Food Services and Drinking Places Sales and Numbers, 1998-2011 - CDC

food  disease  chronic  pennsylvania  numbers  services  CDC  trends  philadelphia  indoor  air  act  drinking  sales  economics  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD  restaurants  Tobacco smoke  regression analysis 

Philadelphia enacted its Clean Indoor Air Act (CIAA) nearly 2 years before the statewide CIAA. In this study, we assessed the economic impact of CIAAs on 4 types of food services and drinking places and addressed the predominant limitation of previous pre–post ban studies, namely the lack of control for confounders and changes in secular trends over time.

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