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WHO Global Rotavirus Surveillance Network: A StrategicReview of the First 5 Years, 2008-2012

global  who  years  network  surveillance  rotavirus  strategicreview 

Mary M. Agócs, MD1, Fatima Serhan, PhD1, Catherine Yen, MD2,3, Jason M. Mwenda, MD4, Lúcia H.

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Prevent Rotavirus | CDC Features

fever  features  vaccination  disease  vaccine  protect  immunization  CDC  child  gastroenteritis  rotavirus  vomiting  dehydration  Intussusception  CDC Features  Rotateq  Watery Diarrhea  stomach cramps  acute gastroenteritis  Rotarix 

Vaccinate your child against rotavirus, a major cause of severe diarrhea.

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Notes from the Field: Rotavirus Vaccine AdministrationErrors - United States, 2006-2013

vaccine  states  notes  field  rotavirus  administrationerrors 

Beth F. Hibbs, MPH1, Elaine R. Miller, MPH1, Tom Shimabukuro, MD1 (Author affiliations at end of text).

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