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Aortic Aneurysm - Types

AAA  TAA  abdominal aortic aneurysm  thoracic aortic aneurysm 

There are two types of aortic aneurysms: thoracic aortic aneurysms and abdominal aortic aneurysms.

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Sickle Cell Disease - Screening and Prevention

sickle cell anemia  hemoglobin s  sickling disorder due to hemoglobin s 

Sickle Cell Disease – Screening and Prevention People who do not know whether they carry an abnormal hemoglobin gene can ask their doctor to have their blood tested. Sickle Cell Anemia, Hemoglobin S or SS disease, Sickling disorder due to hemoglobin S

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How Sleep Works - Your Sleep/Wake Cycle

Many factors play a role in preparing your body to fall asleep and wake up. Your body has several internal clocks, called circadian clocks. These typically follow a 24-hour repeating rhythm, called the circadian rhythm. This rhythm affects every cell, tissue, and organ in your body and how they work.

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Cardiogenic Shock - Causes

cardiac shock 

Causes of cardiogenic shock include heart attack and other heart problems, problems outside of the heart, and medicines or procedures. A heart attack is the most common cause because it can damage the heart’s structure in different ways. Less often, a problem elsewhere in the body blocks blood flow coming into or out of the heart and leads to cardiogenic shock.

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Who Needs Cardiac Catheterization

heart catheterization 

Your doctor may recommend cardiac catheterization to find out what is causing signs or symptoms of a heart problem or to treat or repair a heart problem.

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Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting - Before Surgery

CABG  heart bypass surgery 

Your doctor may use diagnostic tests or procedures before CABG to determine how serious your ischemic heart disease is and where the coronary arteries are narrowed. If you need CABG, talk to your doctor about how to prepare for the procedure.

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Bleeding Disorders - Treatment

hemophilia  von Willebrand Disease  coagulation disorders  blood clotting disorders  clotting factor deficiencies 

Treatment for bleeding disorders will vary depending on the disorder and may include medicines and factor replacement therapy. Your treatment may be every day to prevent bleeding episodes, or as needed when you plan for surgery or have an accident. You may not need treatment if your bleeding disorder is mild.

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Anemia por deficiencia de hierro - Signos, síntomas y complicaciones

La anemia por deficiencia de hierro puede ser leve a grave. Las personas con anemia por deficiencia de hierro leve o moderada pueden no presentar ningún signo o síntoma. Los signos y síntomas frecuentes de la anemia por deficiencia de hierro son, entre otros, piel pálida, fatiga y dificultad para respirar. Las complicaciones de la anemia por deficiencia de hierro abarcan problemas cardíacos, como la arritmia, y la depresión.

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Cardiogenic Shock - Diagnosis

cardiac shock 

Your doctor will check your medical history, perform a physical exam, and do tests and procedures to diagnose cardiogenic shock. Tests are usually done after you have been admitted to a hospital for a possible heart attack or symptoms of shock. If the reason for the shock is that the heart is not pumping strongly enough, then the diagnosis is cardiogenic shock.

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After Getting a Stent

coronary artery stent  carotid artery stent  airway stent 

After the procedure to place a coronary stent, carotid stent, or airway stent, you will recover in the hospital for a few hours or overnight. For stent grafts, you may be in the hospital for a longer time. Although not common, you may also experience complications from the stenting procedure.

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Asthma - Causes

asthma  asthma attack  asthma triggers  asthma flare-up 

The exact cause of asthma is unknown, and the causes may vary from person to person. However, asthma is often the result of a strong response of the immune system to an allergen in the environment.

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Insomnia - Treatment

insomnia  sleep  sleep disorders  tiredness  healthy sleep habits  insomnia treatment 

Lifestyle changes can often help improve short-term insomnia. A type of counseling called cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia is usually the first treatment recommended for chronic insomnia. Several medicines can also help manage insomnia and help you have a regular sleep schedule. You may need to visit a doctor who specializes in treating sleep problems.

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Enfermedad isquémica del corazón – Causas

enfermedad aterial coronaria  enfermedad coronaria  enfermedad coronaria microvascular 

La causa de la enfermedad isquémica del corazón depende del tipo que tenga. La enfermedad isquémica del corazón también puede tener más de una causa, incluida la acumulación de placa o cambios moleculares en los vasos sanguíneos.

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How the Lungs Work - The Respiratory System

respiratory system 

The respiratory system helps you breathe. The main parts of the respiratory system are the lungs, the airways, and the muscles that enable breathing. The circulatory system, which is made up of the heart, veins, arteries, and capillaries, brings blood to and from the lungs and delivers nutrients and oxygen to tissues of the body while removing carbon dioxide and waste products. Other body systems that work with the respiratory system include the nervous system, lymph system, and immune system.

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Pleural Disorders - Treatment

empyema  hemothorax  pleural effusion  pneumothorax 

How your pleural disorder is treated depends on what type of pleural disorder you have and how severe it is. Some pleural disorders go away without treatment. Others will require a procedure to remove air, fluid, or other material from the pleural space. The goal of treatment is to relieve symptoms and treat the underlying condition.

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