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Bleeding Disorders - Treatment

hemophilia  von Willebrand Disease  coagulation disorders  blood clotting disorders  clotting factor deficiencies 

Treatment for bleeding disorders will vary depending on the disorder and may include medicines and factor replacement therapy. Your treatment may be every day to prevent bleeding episodes, or as needed when you plan for surgery or have an accident. You may not need treatment if your bleeding disorder is mild.

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Pleural Disorders - Types

empyema  hemothorax  pleural effusion  pneumothorax 

The types of pleural disorders are pleural effusion, pleurisy, and pneumothorax. Pleural effusion is a buildup of fluid in the pleural space. Pleurisy is inflammation of the pleura. Pneumothorax occurs when air or other gas builds up in the pleural space and may cause part or all of the lung to collapse.

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¿Qué es EPOC?

La enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica, o EPOC, es una enfermedad progresiva que causa dificultad para respirar. En los Estados Unidos el término EPOC abarca dos enfermedades principales, el enfisema y la bronquitis crónica.

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Risk Factors for Overweight and Obesity

Risk factors for overweight and obesity include having unhealthy lifestyle habits such as lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating behaviors, not getting enough sleep, having high amounts of stress; being a certain age; living in unhealthy environments, having a family history; being a certain race or ethnicity; or being a certain sex.

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How Can Sudden Cardiac Arrest Be Prevented?

If you’ve already had sudden cardiac arrest, an implantable cardioverter defibrillator reduces the chances of dying from a second sudden cardiac arrest. If you have not yet had sudden cardiac arrest but have severe coronary heart disease, your doctor may prescribe a beta blocker or statin. Following a healthy lifestyle can help you lower your risk for sudden cardiac arrest, coronary heart disease, and other heart problems.

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Detección y prevención de sobrepeso y obesidad

Para detectar el sobrepeso y la obesidad, su médico calculara el índice de masa corporal (IMC) para evaluar si usted o su niño tienen un peso saludable. Su doctor podría recomendar cambios saludables en el estilo de vida, como consumir una alimentación saludable y actividad física, para prevenir el sobrepeso y obesidad.

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What Causes Heart Failure?

Conditions that damage or overwork the heart muscle can cause the heart to weaken, including coronary heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, other heart conditions, and other factors.

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LAM - Signs, Symptoms, and Complications

The signs and symptoms of pneumonia can be mild or severe and may include lung cysts, increased VEGF-D levels, reduced lung function, reduced, oxygen levels in the blood, chest pain or aches, fatigue, frequent cough, shortness of breath, and wheezing. Possible complications may include tumors in the kidneys, blood in the urine, enlarged lymph nodes, pleural effusions, pneumothorax or collapsed lung, and swelling.

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Who is at Risk for Heart Failure?

Heart failure is more common in people age 65 or older, blacks, people who are overweight, and people who have had a heart attack. Children who have congenital heart defects also can develop heart failure.

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Description of the DASH Eating Plan

DASH is a flexible and balanced eating plan that helps create a heart-healthy eating style for life.

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