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Evaluation of the Healthy Schools Program: Part II. The role of technical assistance.

CDC  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD  Obesity Prevention 

The objectives of this study were to evaluate the role of the program’s training and technical assistance and to explore other contributing factors in changing school policies, practices, and environments.

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Evaluation of the Healthy Schools Program: Part I. Interim progress.

CDC  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD  Obesity Prevention 

The objective of this study was to evaluate interim progress in schools receiving hands-on training from the Healthy Schools Program, the nation’s largest school-based program aimed at preventing childhood obesity.

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Preventing Chronic Disease | Childhood Obesity Task Forces Established by State Legislatures, 2001-2010 - CDC

CDC  childhood obesity  obesity  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD  Obesity Prevention  state legislation  task force 

States and communities are considering policy and environmental strategies, including enacting legislation, to reduce and prevent childhood obesity. One legislative approach has been to create task forces to understand key issues and develop a course of action.

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Preventing Chronic Disease | State Practitioner Insights Into Local Public Health Challenges and Opportunities in Obesity Prevention: a Qualitative Study - CDC

CDC  capacity  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD  local health department  Obesity Prevention  Community health assessment  dissemination and implementation  facilitators  barriers  siloes  and community health improvement plan 

The extent of obesity prevention activities conducted by local health departments (LHDs) varies widely. The purpose of this qualitative study was to characterize how state obesity prevention program directors perceived the role of LHDs in obesity prevention and factors that impact LHDs’ success in obesity prevention.

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Is Your Neighborhood Designed to Support Physical Activity? A Brief Streetscape Audit Tool

public health  CDC  physical activity  chronic disease  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD  Preventing Chronic Disease Journal  National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion  NCCDPHP  built environment  advocacy  City Planning  Obesity Prevention  ecological models  active transportation 

Preventing Chronic Disease (PCD) is a peer-reviewed electronic journal established by the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. PCD provides an open exchange of information and knowledge among researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and others who strive to improve the health of the public through chronic disease prevention.

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Integrating Tobacco Control and Obesity PreventionInitiatives at Retail Outlets

policy  public health  CDC  nutrition  chronic disease  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD  tobacco control  Preventing Chronic Disease Journal  National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion  NCCDPHP  active living  built environment  Obesity Prevention  healthy store interventions 

Preventing Chronic Disease (PCD) is a peer-reviewed electronic journal established by the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. PCD provides an open exchange of information and knowledge among researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and others who strive to improve the health of the public through chronic disease prevention.

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Losing Weight: Conversation starters

nutrition  diet  weight loss  Health Topics  Obesity Prevention  healthy food  diet change  healthy food choices  good nutrition  take pounds off sensibly  healthfinder  ODPHP  Health tools 

Talking to a family member or friend about losing weight can be hard. Share these tips to help people get the conversation started.

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Losing Weight: Questions for the doctor

nutrition  diet  weight loss  Health Topics  Obesity Prevention  healthy food  diet change  healthy food choices  good nutrition  take pounds off sensibly  healthfinder  ODPHP  Health tools 

Share these questions to help people talk with their doctors about losing weight in a healthy way.

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Watch Your Weight

nutrition  diet  weight loss  Health Topics  Obesity Prevention  healthy food  diet change  healthy food choices  good nutrition  healthfinder  ODPHP 

To stay at a healthy weight, people need to balance the calories they eat with the calories they burn. Share this guide to help people watch their weight.

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Prepárate por si se presenta una pandemia de gripe

nutrition  diet  weight loss  Obesity Prevention  healthy food  diet change  healthy food choices  good nutrition  healthfinder  ODPHP  Health topics 

To stay at a healthy weight, people need to balance the calories they eat with the calories they burn. Share this guide to help people watch their weight.

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