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Media with Source "Food and Drug Administration Center for Tobacco Products"

FDA/CTP - William Neyer

Safety Tips: Store Loose Batteries in a Case


If you vape, protect yourself by storing loose batteries in a case and away from metal objects.

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FDA "This Is Our Watch" Digital Age Verification Calendar

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s "This Is Our Watch" initiative is a national retailer education program to raise awareness among tobacco retailers about federal regulations for selling tobacco products and the importance of complying with these regulations. The "This Is Our Watch" digital age verification calendar helps you determine if a customer is old enough to legally purchase tobacco products in your store. You can program the calendar to display the exact date a customer must have been born on or before to buy tobacco products. This video tutorial will walk through the process of setting up the digital age verification calendar. For more information, please visit https://www.FDA.gov/tobacco or contact CTPOutreach@fda.hhs.gov.

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How Do I Report a Vape Battery Explosion to FDA?

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You may have heard that e-cigarettes, or "vapes," can explode and seriously injure people. Although they appear rare, these explosions are dangerous. The exact causes of such incidents are not yet clear, but some evidence suggests that battery-related issues may lead to vape explosions. Please report a vape explosion or any other unexpected health or safety issue with a vape to the FDA through the Safety Reporting Portal. When you fill out the form, please be sure to include: • The name of the vape manufacturer • The brand name, model, and serial number of the vape • The brand name and model of the battery • Where it was purchased • Whether the product was used differently than intended by the manufacturer • Whether the product was modified in any way Learn more on http://www.fda.gov/tobacco.

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Protect Our Future: Prevent Tobacco Sales to Minors

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This compliance training video is for tribal retailers that sell regulated tobacco products. FDA’s rules and regulations regarding the sale of regulated tobacco products are described. This video should assist retailers and other stakeholders in Indian Country to understand the laws and how complying with them will help protect Native youth.

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Resources Available to Address E-Cigarette Use in Youth

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Nearly half of youth who vape want to quit. Pediatric doctors Deepa Camenga, MD, MHS, FAAP, and Susan Walley, MD, NCTTS, FAAP, discuss online and community resources available to help youth quit using e-cigarettes. For more information, please visit https://www.FDA.gov/tobacco.

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How to Identify Signs of Youth Vaping and Nicotine Addiction

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Vaping can be easily hidden. Pediatric doctors Deepa Camenga, MD, MHS, FAAP, and Susan Walley, MD, NCTTS, FAAP, discuss the warning signs of e-cigarette use and nicotine withdrawal. For more information, please visit https://www.FDA.gov/tobacco.

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Pediatricians’ Overview of Vaping

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E-cigarettes are the most common tobacco products used by youth. Pediatric doctors Deepa Camenga, MD, MHS, FAAP, and Susan Walley, MD, NCTTS, FAAP, explain what vaping is and the health effects of vaping. For more information, please visit https://www.FDA.gov/tobacco.

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