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Health Department Use of Social Media to Identify FoodborneIllness - Chicago, Illinois, 2013-2014

health  illinois  media  department  social  identify  foodborneillness  chicago 

Jenine K. Harris, PhD1, Raed Mansour, MS2, Bechara Choucair, MD2, Joe Olson3, Cory Nissen, MS3, Jay Bhatt, DO2 (Author affiliations at end of text).

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Preventing Chronic Disease | The Tennessee Department of Health WORKshops on Use of Secondary Data for Community Health Assessment, 2012 - CDC

health  disease  chronic  assessment  community  tennessee  CDC  data  department  workshops  performance improvement  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD  Community health assessment  assessment of healthcare needs  health information management 

Community health assessment is a core function of public health departments, a standard for accreditation of public health departments, and a core competency for public health professionals. The Tennessee Department of Health developed a statewide initiative to improve the processes for engaging county health departments in assessing their community’s health status through the collection and analysis of secondary data. One aim of the Tennessee Department of Health was to position county public health departments as trusted leaders in providing population data and engaging community stakeholders in assessments.

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