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When breastfeeding, how many calories should moms and babies consume?

breast-feeding  breastfeeding mother  breast feeding  infant care 

Many new mothers wonder if they need to consume more calories (also called energy) during breastfeeding, but the answer is no. You can take in the same number of calories that you did before becoming pregnant. This strategy helps with weight loss after birth

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Leave Your Work (Exposures) at Work

pregnancy  work  leave  exposures  breastfeeding  Infertility  miscarriage  occupation  reproductive health  Congenital Anomalies  Birth Defects  family health  take-home  carry home  job  work exposure  employer  employee  worker recommendations  breast feeding 

Chemicals from your work can come home on your skin, hair, clothes and shoes. When you go home, these chemicals can get onto your floors, your furniture, or in your car where your family members or pets can be exposed. We call this take-home exposure.

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