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Preventing Chronic Disease | Antismoking Mass Media Campaigns and Support for Smoke-Free Environments, Mobile County, Alabama, 2011"2012 - CDC

disease  chronic  support  alabama  media  tobacco  campaigns  CDC  smokefree  knowledge  antismoking  environments  mass  mobile  health promotion  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD  tobacco smoke pollution  mass media  health education 

In 2011, the Mobile County Health Department began a 12-month antismoking educational media campaign to educate citizens on the dangers of secondhand smoke. The campaign overlapped with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s 3-month national antismoking Tips from Former Smokers media campaign. We aimed to evaluate the effect of these campaigns on support for smoke-free environments and knowledge of the dangers of secondhand smoke.

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Campaigns LP


Want to see the latest tobacco-free campaigns? Check out BeTobaccoFree.gov.

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