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A 13-Minute DVD Increases HPV Vaccination | CDC Features

features  vaccination  vaccines  immunization  CDC  HPV  increases  minute  DVD  cervical cancer  CDC Features  genital warts  young women  rural  Rural Health  laptop  Appalachian Kentucky  University of Kentucky Prevention Research Center  18- to 26-year olds 

August is National Immunization Awareness Month. Learn more about a 13-minute DVD that effectively promotes and increases the completion of the 3-dose HPV vaccine series that prevents most types of cervical cancer.

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Preventing Chronic Disease | An Effective Community"Academic Partnership to Extend the Reach of Screenings for Fall Risk - CDC

disease  chronic  risk  CDC  effective  communityacademic  partnership  screenings  fall  aging  fall prevention  Preventing Chronic Disease  PCD  community networks  community-based participatory research  risk assessment  Rural Health 

Older adults should be screened for fall risk annually. Community providers (people without formal medical training who work with older adults in senior centers or aging services) may be a viable group to expand the reach of screenings.

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