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Vital Signs: Restraint Use and Motor Vehicle Occupant Death Rates Among Children Aged 0-12 Years - United States, 2002-2011

signs  children  states  years  among  rates  death  restraint  motor  vehicle  occupant 

Erin K. Sauber-Schatz, PhD1, Bethany A. West, MPH1, Gwen Bergen, PhD1 (Author affiliations at end of text).

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MMWR News Synopsis: February 6, 2014 | CDC Media Relations | CDC

prevention  science  news  february  media  CDC  MMWR  saving lives  synopsis  relations  health threats  protecting people  saving money  secure nation  US federal agency  healthy choice 

MMWR – Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report CDC public health news, press releases, government public health news, medical and disease news, story ideas, photos.

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Vital Signs: Restraint Use and Motor Vehicle Occupant DeathRates Among Children Aged 0-12 Years - United States,2002-2011

signs  children  states  years  among  restraint  motor  vehicle  occupant  deathrates 

On February 4, this report was posted as an MMWR Early Release on the MMWR website (http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr).

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Declines in Student Obesity Prevalence Associated with aPrevention Initiative - King County, Washington, 2012

washington  initiative  prevalence  associated  obesity  declines  student  aprevention  king 

Eli Kern, MPH1, Nadine L. Chan, PhD1, David W. Fleming, MD1, James W.

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Current Cigarette Smoking Among Adults-United States, 2005-2012

health effects  prevention  youth  industry  statistics  products  states  tobacco  smokeless  smoking  cigarette  among  current  data  cessation  publications  adultsunited  stop smoking  secondhand smoke  quit smoking 

CDC's Office on Smoking and Health offers information related to smoking and tobacco use.

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Global Health - Global Health Security - Immunization

health  global  immunization  security 

Vaccines prevent an estimated 2.5 million deaths among children younger than age 5 every year. Still, 1 child dies every 20 seconds from a disease that could have been prevented by a vaccine.

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Announcements: Smartphone Application Available forPreventing Group B Streptococcus Infections

infections  group  announcements  smartphone  application  available  forpreventing  streptococcus 

Despite more than a decade of prevention efforts and updated prevention guidelines published in 2010, group B Streptococcus (GBS) remains the leading cause of early onset neonatal sepsis in the United States (1). A free smartphone application, Prevent Group B Strep, is available from CDC to improve maternal and neonatal management of GBS disease prevention at the point-of-care.

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Announcements: World Encephalitis Day - February 22,2014

february  day  world  encephalitis  announcements 

Encephalitis, inflammation of the brain, is caused by several different infectious and noninfectious entities. Encephalitis can be an uncommon complication of a common infection, such as infection with a herpes virus or with any of several vaccine-preventable disease viruses, or a predictable presentation of a rare pathogen, such as the ameba, Naegleria fowleri.

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H7N9 Case Detected in Malaysia

h7n9  detected  malaysia  bird flu  avian influenza a  human avian influenza in Malaysia  China traveler 

H7N9 Case Detected in Malaysia - CDC

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National Youth Tobacco Survey (NYTS) - Smoking & Tobacco Use

health effects  prevention  youth  industry  survey  statistics  products  tobacco  smokeless  smoking  national  data  NYTS  cessation  publications  stop smoking  secondhand smoke  quit smoking  chewing  Tobacco Use 

The National Youth Tobacco Survey (NYTS) datasets are available for public use, so that researchers and public health managers can explore the data in detail. In addition, states can compare their estimates of prevalence of youth tobacco use with national data.

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