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Pleural Disorders - Types

empyema  hemothorax  pleural effusion  pneumothorax 

The types of pleural disorders are pleural effusion, pleurisy, and pneumothorax. Pleural effusion is a buildup of fluid in the pleural space. Pleurisy is inflammation of the pleura. Pneumothorax occurs when air or other gas builds up in the pleural space and may cause part or all of the lung to collapse.

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Pleural Disorders - Signs, Symptoms, and Complications

empyema  hemothorax  pleural effusion  pneumothorax 

Pleural disorders may occur with no symptoms, or they may have obvious symptoms. Signs, symptoms, and complications vary depending on the pleural disorder and how severe it is.

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Trastornos hemorrágicos - Diagnóstico

hemophilia  coagulación 

Es posible que su médico pueda diagnosticar su trastorno hemorrágico, su gravedad y si es heredado o adquirido en función de sus signos y síntomas, factores de riesgo, historia médica y familiar, un examen físico y análisis de sangre.

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Heart-Healthy Living - Get Your Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Checked

Two of the major risk factors for heart disease are high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol. If either of these numbers is high, work with your doctor to get it to a healthy range.

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Respiratory Failure – Diagnosis

Respiratory failure  acute respiratory failure  chronic respiratory failure  hypoxemic respiratory failure  hypercapnic respiratory failure  ventilator  CPAP  Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) 

Your doctor will check your medical history, perform a physical exam, and do tests and procedures to diagnose respiratory failure.

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Cómo funciona el sueño - Su ciclo de sueño o vigilia

Existen muchos factores que juegan un papel en la preparación de su cuerpo para conciliar el sueño y despertarse. Su cuerpo tiene varios relojes internos, llamados relojes circadianos. En general, estos relojes siguen un ritmo repetitivo de 24 horas, llamado ritmo circadiano. Este ritmo afecta a cada célula, tejido y órgano de su cuerpo y cómo funcionan.

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Sickle Cell Disease – Signs, Symptoms, and Complications

sickle cell anemia  sickling disorder due to hemoglobin s  Hemoglobin S or SS disease 

If a person has sickle cell disease, it is present at birth. But most newborns do not have any problems from the disease until they are about 5 or 6 months of age. The symptoms of sickle cell disease can vary from person to person and can change over time. Over time, you may experience symptoms depending on how sickle cell disease affects your health.

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