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Sarcoidosis - Treatment

inflammation  sarcoidosis  granuloma 

The goal of treatment is remission, a state in which the condition is not causing problems. Not everyone who is diagnosed with sarcoidosis needs treatment. Medicines used to treat sarcoidosis help reduce inflammation or suppress the immune system. Many people recover with few or no long-term problems.

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Coronary Heart Disease - Screening and Prevention

coronary artery disease  coronary heart disease  coronary microvascular disease 

You should start getting screening tests and risk assessments for coronary heart disease around age 20 if you do not have any risk factors for coronary heart disease. Children may need screening if they have risk factors, such as obesity, low levels of physical activity, or a family history of heart problems. Afterward, your doctor may recommend preventive treatments such as heart-healthy lifestyle changes to help you lower your risk of coronary heart disease.

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LAM - Screening and Prevention

Currently, there are no screening methods to determine who will develop sporadic LAM. Your doctor may recommend screening or genetic tests before you get pregnant if you have TSC or TSC-LAM. If you have TSC, your doctor may also recommend strategies that may slow down the development of LAM.

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Cómo vivir con presión arterial alta

Si usted tiene presión arterial alta, lo mejor que puede hacer es hablar con su proveedor de atención médica y tomar medidas para controlarla haciendo cambios saludables en su estilo de vida y tomando sus medicamentos, si se los han recetado.

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Presión arterial alta: factores de riesgo


Muchos factores aumentan el riesgo de tener presión arterial alta. Algunos de ellos, como los hábitos poco saludables, pueden cambiarse. Otros factores de riesgo, como el sexo, la edad, el historial familiar y genético, la raza y el origen étnico no pueden cambiarse. Un estilo de vida saludable puede reducir el riesgo de desarrollar presión arterial alta.

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How Is a Stroke Diagnosed?

Doctors diagnose a stroke by reviewing your signs and symptoms, medical history, physical exam, and results from one or more tests: brain computed tomography (CT) scan, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), CT or magnetic resonance arteriogram, carotid ultrasound, carotid angiography, electrocardiogram (EKG), echocardiography, and blood tests.

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Vivir con sobrepeso y obesidad

Si le han diagnosticado sobrepeso y obesidad, es importante que no interrumpa el tratamiento, trate de alcanzar un peso saludable, continúe su programa de modificación de conducta para adelgazar y acuda a controles con su médico para que evalúen su condición and su riesgo de desarrollar complicaciones.

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LAM - Diagnosis

LAM is diagnosed based on your medical history and the results from diagnostic lung function tests, imaging tests such as high-resolution CT scans, VEGF-D blood tests, or other procedures.

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Causas de sobrepeso y obesidad

Desequilibrios energéticos, algunas afecciones genéticas o endocrinas y ciertos medicamentos producen sobrepeso y obesidad.

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Pneumonia - Causes

pneumonia  lung infection  bacterial pneumonia  viral pneumonia  fungal pneumonia  pneumonia treatments 

Pneumonia occurs when certain bacterial, viral, and fungal infections cause inflammation in the air sacs, or alveoli, of the lungs. Some of the more common causes in the United States include Streptococcus pneumoniae or pneumococcus bacteria, the influenza or flu virus, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).

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