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Hearing Protectors for a Noisy Planet

noisyplanet  Hearing Protectors 

Learn when to use hearing protectors, how to help children use hearing protectors, and what to know about different types of hearing protection.

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Protectores de oídos para un mundo ruidoso

noisyplanet  Hearing Protectors 

Aprenda cuándo se debe usar protectores de oídos, cómo ayudar a los niños a usarlos y qué debe saber sobre los diferentes tipos de protectores oídos.

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Your Privacy Is Important to Us

US  privacy 

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About the Study


The Connect for Cancer Prevention Study will explore cancer risk in adults. Researchers at the National Cancer Institute, part of the National Institutes of Health, have partnered with health care systems throughout the United States for Connect.

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What to Expect


Joining the Connect for Cancer Prevention Study is easy. If you want to join, we will ask you to read and sign the informed consent form and electronic health records release form, and then create a user profile. In just a few steps, you can join us today to help prevent cancer tomorrow.

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Early Stage Investigator Policies

policies  stage  investigator 

This page provides information on the NIH Next Generation Researchers Initiative policies that support early-stage investigators (ESIs).

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NIH Planning Grant Program (R34)

program  planning  nih  grant  R34 

The NIH Planning Grant Program (R34) provides support for the initial development of a clinical trial or research project. This program may support:.

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Patients  Urologic Diseases  vagina  Incontinencia urinaria  vejiga  cistouretrograma miccional  Cistocele  prolapso de órganos pélvicos  prolapso de la vejiga  pelvis  órganos pélvicos  músculos del piso pélvico  medición de orina residual posmiccional  ejercicios del piso pélvico  pesario  reparación vaginal anterior 

Síntomas, causas, diagnóstico y tratamiento de un cistocele, una afección común que ocurre cuando la vejiga sobresale de la vagina o se hunde dentro de ella.

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Communicating and Acknowledging Federal Funding

funding  federal  communicating  acknowledging 

Publicizing the outcomes of NIH-funded projects and communicating the role of NIH support in biomedical research improves public understanding of how we, the biomedical research community as a whole, are working to improve human health.

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Pediatricians’ Overview of Vaping

overview  vaping  pediatricians 

E-cigarettes are the most common tobacco products used by youth. Pediatric doctors Deepa Camenga, MD, MHS, FAAP, and Susan Walley, MD, NCTTS, FAAP, explain what vaping is and the health effects of vaping. For more information, please visit https://www.FDA.gov/tobacco.

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