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Cardiogenic Shock - Risk Factors

cardiac shock 

You may have an increased risk of cardiogenic shock because of your age, any cardiovascular or other medical conditions you have, medical procedures, your race or ethnicity, and your sex.

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Cardiogenic Shock - Causes

cardiac shock 

Causes of cardiogenic shock include heart attack and other heart problems, problems outside of the heart, and medicines or procedures. A heart attack is the most common cause because it can damage the heart’s structure in different ways. Less often, a problem elsewhere in the body blocks blood flow coming into or out of the heart and leads to cardiogenic shock.

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After Getting a Stent

coronary artery stent  carotid artery stent  airway stent 

After the procedure to place a coronary stent, carotid stent, or airway stent, you will recover in the hospital for a few hours or overnight. For stent grafts, you may be in the hospital for a longer time. Although not common, you may also experience complications from the stenting procedure.

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What to Expect When Getting a Stent

coronary artery stent  carotid artery stent  airway stent 

Having a stent placed is a minimally invasive procedure, meaning it is not a major surgery. Stents for coronary arteries and carotid arteries are placed in similar ways. A stent graft is placed to treat an aneurysm in a procedure called aortic aneurysm repair. Airway stents are placed in a procedure that helps open airways in the lung. For most stents, you will be given medicine to make you sleep during the procedure. The stent procedure may be planned ahead of time or it may be performed in an emergency situation.

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Stents - Who Needs It?

coronary artery stent  carotid artery stent  airway stent 

Your doctor may recommend a stent to provide support inside an artery that has become narrowed by plaque buildup from atherosclerosis, or for lung airways that have narrowed due to other medical conditions. Your doctor will discuss the risks and benefits of the procedure with you. Sometimes, a stenting procedure is not recommended or another procedure is recommended instead. Learn more about the use of stents in the following conditions.

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El aparato digestivo y su funcionamiento

nutrientes  Patients  Health Professionals  Digestive Diseases  tracto digestivo  tracto gastrointestinal  Aparato digestivo  digestión  hígado  páncreas  vesícula biliar  apéndice  boca  esófago  estómago  intestino delgado  intestino grueso  recto  ano  bacterias 

El aparato digestivo: cómo los alimentos viajan por cada parte del tracto gastrointestinal para descomponer químicamente los alimentos necesarios para energía, crecimiento y reparación de células.

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Asthma - Signs, Symptoms, and Complications

asthma  asthma attack  asthma triggers  asthma flare-up 

How often asthma symptoms occur may depend on how severe, or intense, the asthma is, and whether you are exposed to allergens. Some people have symptoms every day, while others have symptoms only a few days of the year.

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Asthma - Risk Factors

asthma  asthma attack  asthma treatment  asthma flare-up 

You may have an increased risk of asthma because of your environment or occupation, your family history or genes, other medical conditions, your race or ethnicity, or your sex.

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Asthma - Causes

asthma  asthma attack  asthma triggers  asthma flare-up 

The exact cause of asthma is unknown, and the causes may vary from person to person. However, asthma is often the result of a strong response of the immune system to an allergen in the environment.

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During Cardiac Catheterization

heart catheterization 

Cardiac catheterization takes place in a catheterization laboratory, or cath lab, which is similar to a small operating room. A long thin tube called a catheter is inserted via a needle, guidewire, and sheath into a blood vessel leading to the heart.

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