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Tratamiento de la leucemia mieloide aguda en adultos (PDQ®)–Versión para profesionales de salud

adult acute myeloid leukemia 

Resumen de información revisada por expertos acerca del tratamiento de la leucemia mieloide aguda en adultos.

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Adult Acute Myeloid Leukemia Treatment (PDQ®)–Patient Version

treatment  adult  acute  leukemia  patient  version  myeloid  adult acute myeloid leukemia 

Treatment options for adult acute myeloid leukemia (AML) include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, stem cell transplant, and other medications. Get detailed information about the treatment of new and recurrent AML in this expert-reviewed summary.

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Adult Acute Myeloid Leukemia Treatment (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version

health  treatment  adult  acute  leukemia  version  professional  myeloid  adult acute myeloid leukemia 

Acute myeloid (myelogenous) leukemia (AML) treatment options include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, stem cell transplant, and other medications. Cytogenetic analysis helps predict treatment outcomes. Get detailed information about AML in this summary for clinicians.

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