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digestive system diseases  screening  patients  colon  Digestive Diseases  Rectum  Diagnostic Tests  Abdominal pain  Large Intestine  Colonoscopy  Laxative  Rectal Bleeding  Colonoscope  Polyp  Colon Cancer  Bowel Prep  general public  colon polyps test  colorectal polyps test  colon cancer test 

Learn why doctors perform colonoscopy, what it can show, how you prepare for it, what to expect during and after colonoscopy, and the risks of colonoscopy.

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Your Digestive System & How it Works

gallbladder  bacteria  patients  APPENDIX  mouth  stomach  liver  microbiome  Digestive Diseases  Rectum  Anus  Small Intestine  Pancreas  Esophagus  Digestion  GI Tract  Gastrointestinal Tract  Large Intestine  nutrients  health professionals 

Overview of the digestive system—how food moves through each part of the GI tract to help break down food for energy, growth, and cell repair.

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