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81 Search Results


Digestive Diseases Collection

diseases  collection  digestive 

Contains publications associated with the Digestive Diseases (English) health topic.

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Endocrine Diseases Collection

diseases  endocrine  collection 

Contains publications associated with the Endocrine Diseases (English) health topic.

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Urodynamic Testing

symptoms  antibiotics  testing  patients  bladder  anesthesia  pelvic floor  Urodynamics  Urologic Diseases  Urine  Urinary Tract  Urethra  Ultrasound  Drinking Water  Diagnostic Imaging  Urinary Incontinence  Sphincter  Urination  Uroflowmetry  Cystometry 

Urodynamic tests help diagnose lower urinary tract problems by showing how well your bladder, sphincters, and urethra work together to store and release urine.

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Enfermedad de los riñones Collection (Spanish)

Contains publications associated with the Kidney Disease (Spanish) health topic.

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Urinary Tract Infection in Children

prevention  symptoms  children  causes  definition  treatments  bladder  clinical trials  Diagnostic Tests  Drug Therapy  Risk Factors  Urodynamics  Urologic Diseases  Urinary Tract  Urethra  Magnetic Resonance Imaging  CT Scan  Urinary Tract Infection  Ultrasound  Vesicoureteral Reflux 

Read about bladder infections, as well as pain and urgency with urination, in children. Learn about the symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatments.

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Diabetes Collection (Spanish)

Contains publications associated with the Diabetes (Spanish) health topic.

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Bladder Infection (Urinary Tract Infection) in Adults

prevention  symptoms  treatment  adults  antibiotics  therapy  diagnosis  Diagnostic Tests  Urologic Diseases  Urinary Tract Infection  Urinary Tract Infections  general public  cystitis  UTI  bladder infection  bladder infection symptoms  painful urination  bladder infection treatment  bladder infection diet 

An overview of bladder infection in adults, which is a type of urinary tract infection. Describes symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.

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Riñón único

Kidney Disease  insuficiencia renal  tasa de filtración glomerular  Patients  displasia renal  Albuminuria  trasplante de riñón  Riñón único  agenesia renal  nefrectomía  donación de riñón  TFG  lesión renal  daño renal  prevención de lesiones 

Monitoreo y control de la función del riñón único con análisis de sangre y de orina, imagenología, control de la presión arterial, dieta y prevención de lesiones.

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Healthy Living with Diabetes

diabetes  anxiety  patients  depression  sleep  physical activity  mental health  Resistance Training  diabetes meal plan  Diet Nutrition  Diabetes eating  plate method  carb counting  aerobic exercise  stretching  Weight Management  carbohydrates counting  balance exercises  exercise and low blood sugar  exercise and high blood sugar 

A healthy lifestyle can help you manage your diabetes, as well as your blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Start small and work with your health care team.

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