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¿Mi hijo corre riesgo de tener la enfermedad de los riñones?

Kidney Disease  Patients  los hispanos y la enfermedad de los riñones 

Este folleto explica los factores de riesgo de la enfermedad de los riñones en los niños.

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Liver Disease 

Discusses causes, diagnosis, and treatment of hemochromatosis, a disorder in which extra iron builds up in the body and may damage many parts of the body.

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Ulcerative Colitis

Digestive Diseases 

Discusses risk factors, symptoms, diagnostic procedures, and complications of ulcerative colitis. Provides treatment options, including medications and surgery.

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Wilson Disease

patients  Liver Disease  general public  liver transplant  Cirrhosis  Extra Copper  Wilson Disease  Genetic Disease  Kayser-Fleischer Rings 

Learn about Wilson disease, a genetic disorder that prevents the body from removing extra copper. Copper builds up in the liver, brain, eyes, and other organs.

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Prostate Problems

treatment  therapy  patients  diagnosis  prostate cancer  Urologic Diseases  Prostatitis  Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia  Prostatic Diseases  Transurethral Resection  Prostate Problems General 

Explains prostate problems including prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Reviews common tests for these conditions, as well as treatment side effects.

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Upper GI Endoscopy

patients  stomach  Digestive Diseases  Diagnostic Tests  Small Intestine  Patient Education  Duodenum  Esophagus  Endoscopy  Gastrointestinal Tract  Ulcer  Endoscope  Upper GI Tract  GI Bleeding  general public  Upper GI Endoscopy  procedure  upper gastrointestinal endoscopy  esophagogastroduodenoscopy  EGD 

What to expect before, during, and after the upper gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy procedure and how it finds and treats problems in the upper GI tract.

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Monitoreo continuo de glucosa

Diabetes tipo 2  Diabetes  Patients  niños  hiperglucemia  hipoglucemia  insulina  bomba de insulina  glucosa en la sangre  diabetes tipo 1  Dispositivo de monitoreo continuo de glucosa  MCG  MCG en tiempo real  MCG de escaneo intermitente  control glucémico  sensor  transmisor  receptor  teléfono inteligente  adulto 

Aprenda cómo funcionan los dispositivos de monitoreo continuo de glucosa, los diferentes tipos que hay y cómo ayudan a aquellos con diabetes a mantener los niveles de glucosa en un rango saludable.

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Continuous Glucose Monitoring

children  diabetes  adult  patients  smartphone  type 2 diabetes  Blood Glucose  Type 1 Diabetes  glycemic control  insulin  blood sugar  hypoglycemia  insulin pump  low blood glucose  hyperglycemia  Continuous glucose monitoring system  CGM  glucose testing  glucose sensor  high blood glucose 

Learn how continuous glucose monitors work, the different types of CGM devices, and how they help people with diabetes keep glucose levels in a healthy range.

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Diabetes Statistics

facts  statistics  diabetes  patients  type 2 diabetes  Diabetes Mellitus  health professionals  gestational diabetes  Type 1 Diabetes  prediabetes  Community Outreach  reports on diabetes 

Learn facts and statistics about type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes, and prediabetes among adults and youth in the United States.

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