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Cystoscopy & Ureteroscopy

patients  bladder  anesthesia  Diagnostic Tests  Risk Factors  Kidney Disease  bladder cancer  Urologic Diseases  Urinary Tract  Urethra  Hematuria  Cystoscopy  Ureteroscopy  Equipment and Supplies  Urinary Incontinence  Kidneys  Ureters  general public  UTI  Urinary Retention 

Urologists use cystoscopy and ureteroscopy to look inside the urinary tract, find the cause of problems, and sometimes treat them.

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Endoscopia gastrointestinal superior

Patients  Digestive Diseases  endoscopia  Blood Diseases  esofagogastroduodenoscopia  endoscopio  procedimiento  endoscopia gastrointestinal superior  EGD  endoscopia superior  prueba de diagnóstico del tracto gastrointestinal superior  tratamiento del sangrado 

Qué esperar antes, durante y después de una endoscopia gastrointestinal superior y cómo se detectan y se tratan los problemas del tracto gastrointestinal superior con este procedimiento.

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Biopsia de riñón

enfermedad de los riñones  diagnóstico de la enfermedad de los riñones  Patients  Diagnostic Tests  hematuria  proteinuria  biopsia renal  biopsia de riñón  muestra de tejido de riñón  biopsia de riñón percutánea  BRP  biopsia de riñón laparoscópica  biopsia de riñón transyugular  biopsia abierta de riñón  biopsia quirúrgica de riñón 

Obtenga información sobre la biopsia de riñón, un procedimiento en el que un profesional de atención de salud toma pequeños trozos de tejido del riñón para buscar signos de daño o enfermedad.

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Changing Your Habits for Better Health

behavior change  patients  physical activity  healthy diet  eating right  stages of change  staying healthy  working out  healthy habits  motivation  healthy foods  Diet Nutrition  getting healthy  Lifestyle change  life habits  health improvement  staying active  getting active  Weight Control Health Living 

Outlines four stages of changing old habits to new healthier ones and offers ways to help improve eating and physical activity habits.

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Medullary Sponge Kidney

symptoms  patients  diagnosis  Drug Therapy  Kidney Disease  Kidney Diseases  Kidney Stones  Lithotripsy  Urinary Tract Infections  Intravenous Pyelogram  general public  Cystic Disease  Medullary Sponge Kidney 

Complications, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of medullary sponge kidney, a birth defect inside a fetus' kidneys.

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IgA Vasculitis

patients  Kidney Disease  antibodies  Hematuria  chronic kidney disease  CKD  Proteinuria  IgA vasculitis  immunoglobulin A vasculitis  Henoch-Schönlein purpura  HSP  immunoglobulin A  IgA  vasculitis 

Overview of immunoglobulin A vasculitis, also called Henoch-Schönlein purpura, a disease that causes small blood vessels to become inflamed and leak.

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osteoporosis  patients  Infertility  pituitary tumor  headache  Erectile Dysfunction  osteoporosis  Endocrine Diseases  prolactin  prolactina  Disfunción eréctil  bone loss  Endocrine Diseases  Prolactinoma  adenoma  hyperprolactinemia  dopamine agonist  galactorrhea  breast discharge  gynecomastia 

Overview of prolactinoma, a disorder in which a noncancerous tumor of the pituitary gland produces too much of the hormone prolactin.

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Lower GI Series

patients  polyps  Digestive Diseases  Constipation  Diarrhea  Ulcers  Fistula  diverticular disease  Barium enema  Double-contrast lower GI series  Diagnosis of GI problems  Air-contrast lower GI series  Lower GI Series  Lower gastrointestinal series 

Learn how a lower gastrointestinal (GI) series can diagnose problems in your large intestine, how to prepare for the procedure, and what to expect afterwards.

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