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308 Search Results


Liver Transplant

Liver Disease 

Describes liver transplants, when one is needed, the liver transplant process, transplant surgery problems and post surgery, and living with a liver transplant.

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Digestive Diseases  Delayed Gastric Emptying  Gastroparesis  functional gastrointestinal disorders  functional GI disorders  stomach motility disorders  stomach disorders  stomach dysfunction  stomach muscle paralysis  gastric disorders 

Describes gastroparesis, also called delayed gastric emptying, its complications, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment.

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Tips to Help You Get Active

health  training  exercise  mood  strengthening  physical activity  quality of life  aerobic  Weight Management  Weight Control Health Living  active lifestyle  tracking progress  moving 

Learn about the health benefits of physical activity with this detailed guide on how to get active and stay active.

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Prescription Medications to Treat Overweight & Obesity

treatment  patients  medication  obesity  overweight  weight loss  BMI  prescription  Weight Management  Overweight Obesity  prescription medications  weight-loss  lose weight  orlistat  Xenical  Alli  phentermine-topiramate  Qsymia  naltrexone-bupropion Contrave  liraglutide 

Learn which prescription weight-control medications are—and aren't—safe and effective, how they work, and their common side effects.

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The A1C Test & Race/Ethnicity

gallstones  african  patients  anemia  red blood cells  Diagnostic Tests  Blood Glucose  blood disorder  sickle cell disease  african american  asian  hispanic  variant  hemoglobin  blood sugar  A1C  hypoglycemia  hyperglycemia  diabetes test  A1C Test 

Overview of hemoglobin variants that can affect A1C test results, and how to ensure your diabetes is well controlled if you have one of these variants.

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Cushing's Syndrome

patients  pituitary  pituitary tumor  health professionals  Endocrine Diseases  Cushings syndrome  Cushings disease  adrenal glands  cortisol  pituitary adenoma  adrenal tumor  glucocorticoids  ACTH  petrosal sinus sampling 

Cushing’s syndrome occurs when your body makes too much of the hormone cortisol. Learn about symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment of Cushing’s syndrome.

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Gestational Diabetes

diabetes  gestational diabetes  diabetes in pregnancy 

Learn about gestational diabetes, including symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and management. Find out what you can do to help prevent gestational diabetes.

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Páncreas artificial

Diabetes  Patients  niños  hiperglucemia  hipoglucemia  insulina  páncreas artificial  glucagón  glucosa en la sangre  diabetes tipo 1  adultos  ensayos clínicos  monitor continuo de glucosa  CGM  bomba de infusión de insulina  inyección de insulina  circuito cerrado  sistema automatizado de administración de insulina  control de la diabetes todo en uno  páncreas biónico 

Infórmese sobre cómo un sistema de páncreas artificial puede controlar automáticamente las concentraciones de glucosa en la sangre en personas con diabetes tipo 1.

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Cálculos biliares

Digestive Diseases 

Los cálculos biliares son partículas duras de colesterol o bilirrubina que produce la vesícula biliar. Se necesita tratamiento de inmediato si los cálculos biliares causan dolor.

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Cistitis intersticial (síndrome de vejiga dolorosa)

Urologic Diseases 

Cistitis intersticial: síntomas, urgencia urinaria, frecuencia; diagnóstico; tratamiento, modo de vida, dieta, entrenamiento de vejiga, medicamentos, cirugía.

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