Sickle Cell Disease - Treatment

A blood and bone marrow transplant is currently the only cure for some patients who have sickle cell disease. After early diagnosis, your doctor may recommend medicines or transfusions to manage complications, including chronic pain. Babies who have sickle cell disease may see a hematologist, a doctor who specializes in blood diseases such as sickle cell disease.
Media Type: Html
- SourceUrl:
- Syndication ID: 18040
- Language: English
- Source: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
- Date Syndication Captured: Wednesday, August 29, 2018 at 07:28 PM
- Date Syndication Updated: Friday, March 14, 2025 at 01:37 AM
sickle cell anemia
hemoglobin s
sickling disorder due to hemoglobin s
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