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Congenital Heart Defects - Risk Factors

atrial septal defect  Holes in the Heart  Ventricular Septal Defect  Tetralogy of Fallot  Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA)  Congenital Heart Disease 

The risk of having a baby with a congenital heart defect is influenced by family history and genetics, the mother’s health, sex, and exposure during pregnancy to environmental factors, such as smoke or certain medicines. Other medical conditions can also raise your risk for having a baby with a congenital heart defect.

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Congenital Heart Defects - Causes

atrial septal defect  Holes in the Heart  Ventricular Septal Defect  Tetralogy of Fallot  Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA)  Congenital Heart Disease 

Congenital heart defects happen because the heart does not develop normally while the baby is growing in the womb. Doctors often do not know why congenital heart defects occur. Researchers do know that genetics can sometimes play a role.

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Congenital Heart Defects - Types

atrial septal defect  Holes in the Heart  Ventricular Septal Defect  Tetralogy of Fallot  Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA)  Congenital Heart Disease 

There are many types of congenital heart defects. They range from simple to complex and critical.

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High Blood Pressure - Treatment

hypertension  high blood pressure  blood pressure 

For most people with high blood pressure, a doctor will develop a treatment plan that may include heart-healthy lifestyle changes alone or with medicines. Heart-healthy lifestyle changes, such as heart-healthy eating, can be highly effective in treating high blood pressure.

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High Blood Pressure - Screening and Prevention

hypertension  high blood pressure  blood pressure 

Everyone age 3 or older should have their blood pressure checked by a healthcare provider at least once a year. Healthy lifestyle changes can help prevent high blood pressure from developing.

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High Blood Pressure - Risk Factors

sodium  hypertension  alcohol  high blood pressure  blood pressure 

Factors that increase your risk for high blood pressure include unhealthy lifestyle habits such as eating too much sodium, drinking too much alcohol, and being physically inactive. Other risk factors include age, family history and genetics, race and ethnicity, and sex.

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Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

patients  Digestive Diseases  Colonoscopy  Bowel Prep  Flexible Sigmoidoscopy  cancer screening  colon polyps test  colorectal polyps test  colorectal cancer test  colon cancer screening  CRC Test 

Learn how flexible sigmoidoscopy can detect ulcers, polyps, or cancer of the colon or rectum; how to prepare for the procedure; and what to expect afterward.

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Hyperthyroidism (Overactive Thyroid)

patients  iodine  Endocrine Diseases  Thyroiditis  Hyperthyroidism  Graves Disease  thyroid surgery  iodine and the thyroid  radioactive iodine  radioiodine  antithyroid medicines  Thyroid Nodule  postpartum thyroiditis  thyroid nodules  goiter  subacute thyroiditis  silent thyroiditis  overactive thyroid gland  beta-blockers  methimazole 

Hyperthyroidism, an overactive thyroid gland, can speed up your body’s functions. Learn about its causes, complications, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.

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Teacher Toolkit

hearing  noise 

Noisy Planet’s Teacher Toolkit will help you teach preteens about the causes and prevention of noise-induced hearing loss. It provides easy-to-use resources and step-by-step instructions for fun activities.

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Consejos para enseñar a los niños sobre la pérdida de audición inducida por el ruido

audición  ruido 

Si usted es un maestro, líder comunitario o profesional de la salud, sus interacciones cotidianas con los niños le dan oportunidades únicas para ayudarles a formar hábitos para una audición saludable para toda la vida.

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Tips for Teaching Kids about Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

hearing  noise 

Whether you’re a teacher, community leader, or health professional, your regular interactions with kids provide you with unique opportunities to help shape their healthy hearing habits for life.

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Sigue escuchando el ritmo

audición  ruido 

¿Sabías que si escuchas los reproductores personales de música por demasiadas horas al día, a un volumen demasiado alto, puedes dañar tu audición? Este daño se va sumando con el tiempo y es permanente.

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Keep Listening to the Beat

hearing  noise 

Did you know that listening to personal music players for too many hours a day, at too high a volume, can damage your hearing? This damage adds up over time, and it’s permanent.

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