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MMWR - Recommendations and Reports - APPENDIX A - March 22, 2013

march  recommendations  MMWR  reports  APPENDIX 

Persons using assistive technology might not be able to fully access information in this file. For assistance, please send e-mail to: mmwrq@cdc.gov.

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World Immunization Week | CDC Features

features  vaccination  vaccines  immunization  CDC  world  week  Global Health  CDC Features 

During World Immunization Week, beginning on April 20th, CDC and partners around the globe aim to promote one of the world’s most powerful tools for health – the use of vaccines to protect, or immunize, people of all ages against disease.

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Drinking Water Week 2012: Celebrate the Essential - Healthy Water

toxins  contaminants  week  celebrate  drinking  contamination  water  infrastructure  EPA  Drinking Water  CDC Features  chlorine  typhoid  cholera  Water Treatment  fluoridation  community water  disinfection  tap water  chlorination 

Water is the foundation for life. Learn more about the vital role safe water plays in our lives and what CDC is doing to address challenges to our water supply.

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Protect Your Baby with Immunization | CDC Features

features  protect  pertussis  immunization  CDC  baby  CDC Features  vaccine effectiveness  vaccine safety  Whooping Cough  why should I vaccinate my baby  infant Immunization  childhood Immunization  childhood vaccination  childhood diseases  vaccine-preventable diseases  Power to Protect  required shots for babies  paying for vaccines  vaccine protection 

Immunization is one of the best ways parents can protect their infants from 14 serious childhood diseases before age 2. Vaccinate your child according to the CDC’s recommended immunization schedule for safe, proven disease protection.

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Take Caution When Bats Are Near | CDC Features

ebola  features  virus  CDC  histoplasmosis  rabies  take  caution  bats  CDC Features  hemorraghic fever  marburg 

Bats play an important role in our ecosystem. However, they are also associated with diseases deadly to humans. Learn how you can stay safe when bats are near.

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Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention | CDC Features

features  CDC  screening  alcohol  intervention 

Drinking too much alcohol can cause many health problems. There are easy ways health professionals can screen all adults, including pregnant women, and counsel those who drink too much to drink less.

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